God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, July 27, 2019



This is an important question that God wants us to ask! The answer to that question is what motivates us!

Why do we gather? Why do we serve? Why do we spread the gospel?

Genesis 11:3-9; Acts 2:1-12 Gods plan was that we build a church that speaks all languages to glorify him! The builders of the tower of Babel were self focused in their mission!

Acts 2:42-47

We are not called to build an organization! We are called to build the body of God! Our interest should be God's interests.

We are to be a community of faith that reflect him in n all that we do!

Matthew 5:43-48

Nimrodic thinking is a progression to tribalism and that is not Gods plan. God wants diversity in his kingdom! We need to love all people and even those we don't naturally agree with or give a long with!

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 our world needs a savior! Our needs to humble themselves before God through prayer!

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Colossians 3:1-4

Our endgame is heaven! Is heaven and after thought or something that you talk about and think about everyday!

Hebrews 11:36

How did he first century view the endgame! There home was heaven and heaven was their endgame! They willing went through all sorts of hardships for the gospel!

John 14:4-6

Jesus is the only way! Have you made someone or something your endgame? There is only one way and only endgame that leaves us victorious.

Luke 9:23-25

Hebrews 12:1-3

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The presence of God!

The presence of God!

What is the impact of Gods presence on you today? Impact physically? Impact spiritually? There are multiple examples in scripture about Gods presence! His love, his power, his faithfulness!

We need Gods presence! We need to live in his presence! God no longer dwells in a temple but has chosen to move into your body as his new temple!

Psalms 139:7;

How to experience Gods presence everyday: reading psalms, praise, peace, preaching, power,

To the political correctness of today...Jesus said he was full of grace and TRUTH! Paul said watch your LIFE and DOCTRINE! Our conviction should not waiver under pressure from the world!

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Church compensation:

Church compensation:

1 Corinthians 9:1-14

Jesus commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel!

Risk management in the church:

Daniel 6:3-5

Daniel was an exceptional administrator! There was no corruption in him!

Three standards as a board member.

1.) Biblical rights and wrongs
2.) Corporate rights and longs
3.) Philosophy which can be neither right or wrong

Board responsibilities are fiduciary and risk management.
With risk management there are two focuses to evaluate. What is the likely hood that something might happen? What are the consequences if that thing happens? Three ways to deal with risk. Avoid it, transfer it, or control it.

Three types of risk as a church. Physical risk of the members, financial losses and damages, legal and financial responsibility of board members.

Board members have personal liability. Directors and officers insurance is a good idea.


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The Presence in the Lord

The Presence in the Lord

Mike Talifaro

The Holy Spirit is with us!

The presence of God...

Gen 4:14

Ex 33:14-15

We need to love in God's presence

2 Chronicles 7: 1, 3

John 1:14

The presence of God dwells within us!

Acts 2

When God moves into our hearts, it's spectacular!!!

God's people have always lived in God's presence

We can't get away from God's presence

Psalm 139-7

God is with us til the end of the age!!

Luke 11:13

The presence of God

Psalms -

Praise - makes us aware of God's presence of our lives!

Peace- he shelters me; his presence brings us peace and provides for us! Jesus is the bread of life; he is enough and gives us what we need! It's about trusting God ❤️

Preaching- His presence helps us process problems with proper perspective!

Power -

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Post modern world and biblical truths!

Post modern world and biblical truths!

The greatest challenge for Gods people has always been not to conform to the surrounding culture! This is not a new issues! Ex 23:34; lev 20:22-23; debut 12:30; her 10:2; un 15:19; 17:14-16; rom 12:2; 1 for 5:9-10 jams 1:27; 1 in 2:15

Our culture is found in God.

Postmodernism? It is hard to define because it is based on multiple realities. Postmodern culture is based on individuals finding their own reality.

How we got here? 1960's era had the biggest shift in cultural philosophy. The greatest virtue of postmodernism is tolerance!

Characteristics of postmodernism: no absolute truth, moral realism, reject boundaries and authority, about the present (here and now).

Positives: reminds us to help those who are disadvantaged.

Genesis 3:1-

God is always working and his mission is to use us to reach a lost world. God will never allow culture to keep him from accomplishing his mission!

Acts 17:23; 17; 28 Paul studied and connected with the community around him!

How to reach a postmodern world? Engage in your community! Show commonality (God has championed many of the goals of the postmodern world to help the marginalized)! Jesus was a champion for diversity, woman's rights, financial inequality, the weak...etc!

1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails!

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Reignite our passion for God?!

Reignite our passion for God?!

Without Gods presence none of it matters!

Luke 24:32; Matthew 22:37-40

1 John 4:

Ways to ignite passion and zeal:

Praying, focusing on godly relationships, being obedient, making what is important to God important to us!

Luke 15:10; Matthew 5:6

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Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?!

Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?!

James 5:17 Elijah was a man like us and yet God used him to be powerful leader and prophet of Israel!

1 kings 19:13-14 Elijah had a moment of fear and insecurity! God was not done with Elijah and God is not done with us yet either!

1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:9

Matthew 28:16-20; Malachi 4:5-6

God has challenged us to go!

2 kings 2:6-10; 2:11-14

Elijah -- the lord is my God!
Elisha -- my God saves!

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