God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, June 22, 2019

The worlds definition of success is wrong

The worlds definition of success is different than the God's definition of success! Take marriage for example. The family unit to God is a great example of whether or not someone is managing life well or not. How a man handles the affairs of his own house says a lot about what type of man he is. You don't have to be married to manage your house well. What are you doing with the things God has entrusted to you!

Jesus is the only answer to any problem life may throw at you. Following Jesus creates a man that manages life well and becomes successful in all that he does!

Genesis 29:15-35

Jacob was the chosen seed to be blessed by God and carry on the messianic seed to the messiah! Jacob was a deceiver and a conman who had an ability to also lead. Laban saw Jacobs ability and that God was blessing Jacob in everything that he did. Laban's plot and Leah's plight in life. Laban wanted to get rich off of Jacob and marry off his older daughter that may not have gotten married and could have been a burden to him. Leah finds herself stuck in a marriage with a man that doesn't love her! She comes to the conclusion after the third son that she will praise the lord rather than seek an unfulfilling desire for Jacob!

BAD NEWS -- Sin does you! Sin creates sin. Lies beget lies...it never stops until you break the cycle and repent! Always Leah in the morning! Jacob was disappointed! When we put so much into the desires of this world we will always be disappointed! This world was not meant to satisfy us! Only God can fill and satisfy us! I am made for something beyond this world! Idolizing get only makes it worst!

GOOD NEWS -- God works with weak people! The bible is full of weak people who God used despite their flaws and short comings. The God does not condone Jacobs behavior or treatment of Leah! God did not condone Laban's actions either! The old testament is full of grace! God works through weak people! Jacob mistreated Leah and God rescued her and brought her to a place where she was able to look beyond her plight and focused on the glory of God! God also works in weak people! Leah just wanted to be loved by Jacob. She was weak emotionally and full of distress and depression! Leah despite her struggles and despite her plight in life she was chosen by God to carry on the Messianic seed and not Rachel! Was it worth it for Leah?! She was the mother of of Christ the messiah! She was apart of Gods salvation plan for the world! She was the fulfillment of Gods promise!

It's always Leah in the morning and it will only be Rachel when we get to heaven!

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Love never fails!

Love never fails!

What does the bible say about love?

1 John 4:8; Galatians 5:6; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Matthew 24:12

mark 10:6-10 God himself is the one that has joined you with your spouse! Malachi 2:16

One advantage of marriage is that it allows you to fall back into love together if you ever fall out of love temporarily! How to make a good marriage better? You remember that the measure you use is the measure that God will use on you! Matthew 7:1-5; James 2:12; Proverbs 20:10; Colossians 3:13-14

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The Resurrection!

The Resurrection!

Philippians 3:10-11

The power of the resurrection is the power of change!

Genesis 2:25-3:13

What has the knowledge of good and evil done for you? As little children we have no concept of good and evil. As adults our eyes are opened and it does nothing to help us in our lives but to show us how sinful our natures are!

We were created for so much more than just balancing good and evil! God created us and set us apart to live holy lives through the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Luke 24:13-35

The power of the resurrection to restore your life and the power to finish your life!

Acts 2:42-47
Galatians 3:28

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Who do you say that I am?

People knew of Jesus and people knew Jesus. There were wide and different views on who he was. Jesus asked his disciples Who do you say i am? Who do you say Jesus is? Does your life demonstrate that belief? What a Interesting question for jesus to ask. Who do people say you are? Who do you say you are? Do people know the real you? Peter knew Jesus intimately and they correctly answered the question.

Who are you before God? What does God see and who does he say that you are?

Who do you say Jesus is?

1. Jesus is the son of God

Who does your life say Jesus is?

2. Jesus is revealed

3. Jesus is the way

Jesus knew what people thought of him, so why ask the question? He wanted to hear what his disciples would say

Why cesari philipi? Pagan city on the edge os israel and the gentile world. City of multiple faiths and beliefs. Mlt gods. Bail the sun god and storm god

Trans figuration

Peter didnt learn about jesus from books and teachers — you know jesus by spending time with him

Share about how god works in mspired
Me with this lesson. Share about debbie and her moment

Public consensus is not a way to find truth in you life. Who do people say that i am? Public opinion was wrong. Public opposition is useless

I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the father accept through me

Why is this question so how important? Share things jesus said about himself

Who is Jesus? Is he the savior or your personal savior?

People believe in Julius Caesar, alexander the great — they all left monuments physical evidence — jesus was homeless and left only the evidence of his written word and changes lives!!

Talk about — if you really believe that jesus is the son of God, that he is lord of your life and your savior, then why is it a struggle for you to control your temper, tongue, purity, open your mouth, give back, serve...ect

Why people wont acknowledge jesus for who he says he is. If jesus is who he says he is then he may ask something of you. You mayhave to give

Need three points!!!

Who do people say that i am?
Truth is never found in public opinion

Who do you say that i am?
Truth is found in a personal relationship with Jesus

Truth is not found in man but in God

Jesus never said he was a prophet. What dod jesus say about himself? Why would people concede to him being a prophet. If jesus is the sone of God then i have to listen , i have to examine my life, i have to acknowledge his power and authority

How could they miss who jesus was? Why don't we see jesus for who he is? Why do we not see him as the christ and just a prophet.

Do you see god for in your life?

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Deuteronomy 8:1-20

Deuteronomy 8:1-20

Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8 when he was tempted in the desert! Very important passage with a lot of key points on how to please God and have a full relationship with him. This passage says several times about forgetting and remembering.

Two things we forget. Three things we need to remember!

We forget Gods protection! It's easy to remember the negative things in our lives but we need to focus on the good things that God has done in our lives! We have no idea how much God has worked behind the scenes. He is constantly working in our lives! Moses describes the land that God is giving them but with a warning. We forget where it came from! How am I doing with all the good that God has giving me? It is easy to forget our place, Why? Pride! Pride is full of ignorance, selfishness, and foolishness! We cannot take credit for anything in our lives! God gives each one of us the ability!

Remember God. Remember Gods works, word, and warranties! Gods works are what God has specifically done in your life! Remember to keep Gods word active in my life! Gods word is relevant today and we need to hang our lives on His every word! Remember Gods warranties! His promises and guarantees! If we do its Gods way we are blessed.

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Hebrews 12:1-3

Hebrews 12:1-3

In this short verse there is encouragement, admonishment, warnings, and challenges! It all starts by being reminded by a great cloud of witnesses! Men and women who have gone before us and overcome! Like bookends we have godly examples of men in front of us and we have Jesus behind us!

How do we stay faithful to the end? Fixing our eyes on Jesus! Remembering Gods grace and mercy! What we set our eyes on can really taint our view of the world around us! Even the life we live and our time on earth. It changes our goals and priorities!

Philippians 3:7-14

Paul had his eyes fixed on Jesus! Paul also had perspective on where he was going!

Hebrews 12:2-3

Live with the end in mind! Stay focused on where we are going!

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Take the first step

1 Timothy 4:15; Philippians 3:12-14; 2 Chronicles 16:9

Celebrate the first step! Do you value the small steps in your life?! God is happy when we take a step towards righteousness! All the steps in life we take are worth it if it leads us closer to God!

Psalms 2:11; 89:16; 145:7 we need to celebrate!

What steps is God calling you to take today to get closer to him!

1 Timothy 4:15; Job 17:9

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Jesus never lost sight or focus on who he was and w

Jesus never lost sight or focus on who he was and what he was meant to be!

Matthew 11:1-5

Jesus came to seek the lost and heal the hurting of this world. This was his ministry!

Mark 5:21-42 Jesus after helping one, helped another on his was to help someone else! There were several reasons for Jesus not to help.

Jesus Never miss an opportunity to help! Are you taken advantage of the opportunities to help the people around you? Jesus has set an example that we must follow!

Jesus dropped everything to help the hurting! Even those of us who are willing to help usually help when it is convenient for us.

Jesus wasn't done until everyone was helped!

Don't grow weary of doing what is good! Sometimes we get discouraged because people around us are not stepping up to help.

Even at the cross Jesus did not stop until it was finished and every person in the world was helped!

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Mission Possible!

Mission Possible!

With God the impossible is possible! Jesus gave his disciples a mission for seek and save the lost in all corners of the world. A daunting task that in many ways seems impossible.

2 Corinthians 5:20

That is our mission! We are now the ambassadors of Christ! 2 Corinthians 4:6-12

Do you feel hard pressed in life? Hard pressed on every side! We have no direction to go to get away from it! When will all this stop? Have you felt that?

Hard presses but not crushed! God will not allow that pressure to crush us! What ever you are going through, you are going —> through it! Through God we are able to endure where people without God are crushed!

We are perplexed (complete doubt!) but not in despair! The world has the same problems but without God they have no hope!

We are persecuted but not abandoned! Persecution was not just physical. We are never beyond help!

Struck down but not destroyed!

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Be courages and what you do matters!!

Be courages and what you do matters!!

Haggai chapter 1 and 2

Israel was in excile for about 50 years. Isaiah prophesied about Israel's return.

Return to the land! Ezra 5:1-2

The jews returned home and lived in Israel for about 16 years before the temple was rebuilt.

Haggai explains to the jews why there has been constant frustration and a hand against everything they have tried to do with in those 16yrs. Haggai 1:4-6

What are you really living for? Things that will last for eternity or are we storing money in purses with holes in it?!

Haggai 1:8-10

After 18 years of frustration the Israelites learned that God should come first!

Haggai 2:14-19

God is saying that blessings are in n the way! If we repent and continue to work for the Lord the blessings will come.

An insignificant replacement — Haggai 2:3 — the Israelites were discouraged because that didn't feel like they could rebuild the temple the way Solomon did.

Be of courage, work, do not fear! Haggai 2:4-5 — just work! God will bless our efforts! The temple is never going to be built unless we work! Be courages and WORK!

Work because God is with us! Haggai 2:4b-5

Haggai 1:13-14; 1 Chronicles 28:20

Haggai 2:6-9 once we build the house God will fill it with glory!!! Even greater than the temple that Solomon built!

How was Haggai's prophecy for filled?

John 2:19-20; Revelations 21:22

Jesus and God himself are the temple and through the cross we can approach the temple and love with God for eternity!

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