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Saturday, November 17, 2018

The story of the figs! Where is the fruit!

The story of the figs! Where is the fruit!

Luke 13:6-7

The fig tree was a very important fruit tree in Jesus time! The tree was in the vineyard and was protected, nurtured and kept safe! It should have produced fruit! Jesus used this story to explain that judgement is coming for people who do not bear the fruit of repentance.

So what is the context our this story? Look at Luke 13:1-5. Jesus is telling the religious leaders that judgement is coming and repentance is needed! The barren tree and the owner of the tree are the characters in the story. What can we learn from them?

The barren tree is useless! It's worthless to the owner. What use are you putting your life too? Are you being used by God? The barren tree is actually he serving good. The fig tree was in the way. The owner asked why should it take up the good soil if it was not going to bear fruit? The barren tree invites destruction! Who's fault was it? The sun, the soil, the air? The tree condemned itself by not doing what a tree was created to do! Matthew 7:19 when a tree bears fruit you see it. There's noticeable change.

The owner. The owner had amazing patience! Fig trees produced crops multiple times a year. The owner was obviously watching in anticipation. The owner did everything he could to help the barren tree for fill its purpose! The owner wants the tree to be successful!

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