God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Good Samaritan.

The Good Samaritan.

Jesus told 37 parables about everyday life that taught various truths about God! Parables are real life stories used to teach us real life lessons! Many of Jesus parables were directed towards the religious leaders of the day.

Luke 10:25-37

This Jewish leader had a great question! What must I do to be saved? Do you talk about heaven, do you talk about hell? Are they real realms in your life? These are thoughts worthy of consideration. Where am I?

Jesus responds to the question with a question! "What is written in the book of law", Jesus knows that the answer to life's deep questions are in the bible. Where do you go for answers? The Pharisee quotes the right scripture but has the wrong heart! He is looking for justification and confirmation to not love rather than to love. Do you read Gods word with the intention of trying to be right in your own mind? Many have manipulated scripture because of their own selfish desires and agenda.

We know the injured man had at least one positive quality. He allowed some one to help him. The priest and Levite was probably busy and on their way to do "the lords work" and justified in their heart who their neighbor was! Are you too busy to do good things and neglect God things!

Which side of the road are you on? The entire parable is an answer to the question what must I do to gain eternal life? The Pharisee was doing 9 out of 10 things right and Jesus addressed what he neglected in his life. He neglected loving the way God loves! What do you need to add to your life while you keep doing the other good things you are doing?!

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