God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Jesus was the best storyteller to ever live. Jesus

Jesus was the best storyteller to ever live. Jesus used parables to deliver truths about God. Jesus used these story to teach us moral truths to help us on how we should live.

Matthew 13:10-13 Jesus spoke in parables because it reveals truths to anyone who is seeking and it conceals it for anyone who is not listening and open to the truth!

Matthew 13:44-46

The treasure! There is nothing more valuable than the kingdom of God. Our would would probably acknowledge that the kingdom of God has some value but they do not consider the kingdom to be the most valuable thing on earth!

What makes Gods kingdom so valuable? The pearl is valuable because it is beautiful and rare! The same with Gods kingdom! What is more beautiful than God! Gods mercy, grace, love...ect!

Psalms 84:10

The discovery!

The man in the field was not looking for a treasure but stumbled on it. The merchant was seeking for pearls and found it! Which one are you? One that stumbled upon Gods kingdom or one that is seeking? Either way each of these guys new the value of what they found and took action!

The sacrifice!

Both had to sacrifice something to obtain the treasure! God expects everything.

Matthew 19:16-22

Jesus was an expert on zeroing in on what you are holding back. This is the only man that Jesus gave this command to. Whether its money or a relationship...etc! Are you willing to sacrifice what ever it cost!

The joy!

In joy they sold everything that he had!

If we are selling everything we have and in return we gain more in value; does that make God selling his kingdom for something much less than its is worth a good deal? Because God loves you so much and puts so much value in us that he has to have us no matter the cost!

God paid the ultimate price for us in sacrificing his son Jesus!

Sent from my iPhone

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