God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Breathing Room

Breathing Room

How much time do you have? We all have more than we think! We spend tons of time doing things that waste our time. How do you best use your time?

Palms 90:1-2;10

God is not limited by time! God is eternal and transcends time. Time is going by quickly and it is a limited resources for us. God has allotted time for each of us. Remembering that out time is limited provides us wisdom to use our time effectively.

Moses time management philosophy was to start at the end and work backwards! Some day you will meet God and be accountable for your life. Start there and plan how you will live!

Ecclesiastes 2:11;12:13-14

How does a sense of judgement or accountability to God -- serve to make us better leaders and stewarts of what God has giving us?

Ecclesiastes 12:1,7

You have to take inventory of what you are spending your time on. Subtract the things that are keeping you from having time with God and doing his will!

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