God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Breathing Room

Breathing Room

How much time do you have? We all have more than we think! We spend tons of time doing things that waste our time. How do you best use your time?

Palms 90:1-2;10

God is not limited by time! God is eternal and transcends time. Time is going by quickly and it is a limited resources for us. God has allotted time for each of us. Remembering that out time is limited provides us wisdom to use our time effectively.

Moses time management philosophy was to start at the end and work backwards! Some day you will meet God and be accountable for your life. Start there and plan how you will live!

Ecclesiastes 2:11;12:13-14

How does a sense of judgement or accountability to God -- serve to make us better leaders and stewarts of what God has giving us?

Ecclesiastes 12:1,7

You have to take inventory of what you are spending your time on. Subtract the things that are keeping you from having time with God and doing his will!

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Jesus was the best storyteller to ever live. Jesus

Jesus was the best storyteller to ever live. Jesus used parables to deliver truths about God. Jesus used these story to teach us moral truths to help us on how we should live.

Matthew 13:10-13 Jesus spoke in parables because it reveals truths to anyone who is seeking and it conceals it for anyone who is not listening and open to the truth!

Matthew 13:44-46

The treasure! There is nothing more valuable than the kingdom of God. Our would would probably acknowledge that the kingdom of God has some value but they do not consider the kingdom to be the most valuable thing on earth!

What makes Gods kingdom so valuable? The pearl is valuable because it is beautiful and rare! The same with Gods kingdom! What is more beautiful than God! Gods mercy, grace, love...ect!

Psalms 84:10

The discovery!

The man in the field was not looking for a treasure but stumbled on it. The merchant was seeking for pearls and found it! Which one are you? One that stumbled upon Gods kingdom or one that is seeking? Either way each of these guys new the value of what they found and took action!

The sacrifice!

Both had to sacrifice something to obtain the treasure! God expects everything.

Matthew 19:16-22

Jesus was an expert on zeroing in on what you are holding back. This is the only man that Jesus gave this command to. Whether its money or a relationship...etc! Are you willing to sacrifice what ever it cost!

The joy!

In joy they sold everything that he had!

If we are selling everything we have and in return we gain more in value; does that make God selling his kingdom for something much less than its is worth a good deal? Because God loves you so much and puts so much value in us that he has to have us no matter the cost!

God paid the ultimate price for us in sacrificing his son Jesus!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Friendships in proverbs

Friendships in proverbs

Proverbs 17:17;19:22;28:13;16:28;27:6;27:17;17:9;25:20;20:5;2:3;11:12;17:27;10:23;15:21;14:29

A true friend is built for adversity and a faithful friend will be there for you in tough times.

What people really want in a friend is a steadfast relationship that is loyal.

Good friends are honest about their sins and confess them to each other.

Good friends are trust worthy and never divulge confidential information. They are not gossipers.

Good friends lovingly confront sin and help hold you accountable. They sharpen each other and call each other higher.

A real friend is not someone who polices your life and stands critical of your every move but they walk down the road with you giving a helping hand.

Good friends focus on your heart and helps you discern the motives of your heart. He seeks to know the true you. He is quick to listen and slow to speak.

Where do these types of friendships start? They start with a common goals and causes. Working together in something.

Focus on the heart

What area do you need help with
What area do you do well
What are you looking for in a friend.

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When do you answer a fool?

When do you answer a fool?

Proverbs are not just found in the bible. There are proverbs in every culture around the world. Proverbs are not definitive statements but general truths.

God intentionally put dialectic proverbs in the bible. Truths that exist together in a complicated world. For example Proverbs 26:4-5

So when do you answer a fool? Proverbs 9:8 — answer them when you think they will listen! If a person will not listen to you then don't waste your time.

Matthew 7:6

Answer a fool when someone else might listen!

John 8:1-8

Jesus answered publicly so that the crowd would listen. His comments were meant for them rather than the foolish Pharisees. Jesus was protecting the crowd from sin.

Answer a fool when you can handle answering it.

Proverbs 11:2

Answering with pride in your heart is foolish in itself.

Proverbs 25:28

If you cannot handle an argument with self control you should not be in it!

Answer a fool only when it glorifies God!

Judges 6:30-31

God is fully capable of protecting and defending himself. There are times when we are called to stand up for God but in most cases we react not because we are glorifying God but because of injustice that was done to us. Our motives are selfish.

Proverbs 19:11

What would relationship look like if was considered glory to overlook an offense!

Matthew 26:62-63

Jesus was confronted with foolishness and injustice at the highest order and he stayed silent the entire time! He did not respond because he knew arguing with them would distract from Gods plan.

1 Peter 2:23-24

True justice comes from God and his judgement not from our reading and discerning from scripture! Jesus learned to let go and allow God!

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Proverbs — Fool proof your life!

Proverbs — Fool proof your life!

Proverbs 5:1-6; 6:27; 7:24-27;

Solomon was the wisest man to have ever lived and he was unwise when it came to women and sexual sin.

Sexual sin is not limited to adultery.

Matthew 5:28 the jews of jesus day had gotten very strong convictions about adultery and women who committed adultery and Jesus redefined what purity is!

Our world works hard to say adultery and sexual sin is okay! Whether its pornography or premarital sex our world will do all they can to justify those actions! The world tries to convince us that the people who indulge in sexual sins are victimless.

Sexual sin has far reaching consequences. Both physically and spiritually! 1 Corinthians 6:14-20

2 Samuel 12:5-10

There is no other way out of sexual sin than confession! You cannot repent from
Sexual sin alone! You have to take sexual sin seriously. It is a matter of life or death!

Proverbs 6:20; 7:4

Proverbs 31:1-31

Who will you believe about sex? The God who created it or the world that corrupted it!

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How to lead a bible study group

How to lead a bible study group

Don't lead boring bible talks. They need to be from the heart and dynamic. You have to enjoy hosting people and being giving by showing hospitality.

Bible talks introduce God to a lost and hurting world. Its where we build family. Its a place where we are able to open our lives and give the example of Jesus in our lives.

How to plan a lesson? Think about the group and think about what they need or something they need help with. Be in tune with what God leads you to do. Be confident in Gods word. Ask your co leader for ideas.

How do you put it to paper? Find a quit space to think. Design questions to get people through thinking and engaged. Make points that form from the questions you have asked.

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Worlds wisdom

Worlds wisdom

"Ask for forgiveness and not permission"
"If it feels good do it"

Proverbs 14:15; 21:5

How long is the gap between your desires and obtaining them? Do you make quick decisions without thinking of the consequences.

Proverbs 19:11; proverbs 11:14;24:6

You need to find the advisor before the heat of battle. Too many of us avoid advice until life forces us to seek it.

Recognize wise advice and follow it

Proverbs 19:30;12:15

Often times we get advice hoping that it will agree with what we want and when it doesn't we don't want to listen to the advice.

1 Kings 12:1-19

Wisdom is the ability to make a Godly choice. Just seeking advice is not the definition of wisdom. Staying close to God will help you discern between good and bad advice.

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