God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Who's in charge of Your Church?

Who's in charge? Not your evangelist, not your elders, not you! Jesus is in charge!! Jesus is the leader.

How would you congregation be if they acted like Jesus was in charge?

How the church is lead:

Love, humility and teamwork with a common knowledge and mutual understanding that Jesus is in charge.

Embrace each other's gifts-embrace the roll; the elder, the evangelist, etc!

Be lovely to work with; am I a joy to lead?

Talk to each other and not about each other! No factions!!

Acts 14:23

Paul in charge - when Paul leaves, the elders are in charge of the church.

The New Testament church has flexible leadership.

Acts 13:1 - the exception

1 Timothy 3: 2 ... the overseer "IS.."

Who's in charge? Jesus is!! And we are united through him to edify his church!!

Acts 15: 1-2

"Question?" Its better to talk, rather then to run someone out if the church.

The apostles called on the elders. Even though they knew the answers, they still had discussion.

They lifted those elders up; team work!

Vs 22 The apostles, the elders and the church made a decision together.

Vs 28 The Holy Spirit was at the center of the decisions of the church.

Humility is key to being able to maintain unity

Ephesians 4....

Rolls are relational not positional.
It's about the church being lifted up.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sent to be Holy

Sent to be Holy

What does holy really mean? We use holy in many ways. Holy bible, holy cow, holy days, Holy Spirit...etc Holy means set apart, separate and pure. We are A holy creation in God through Jesus and are called to be set apart from the world. As soon as we were set apart and became a new holy creation we were back in an unholy world. Being Holy and living in the world creates constant conflict! Israel was also called to be Holy and then live in an unholy land!

Joshua 7:1-5;6-11

Israel had just come off a great victory in defeating Jericho is routed by a small army! Joshua who was so courageous in spying out the Jordan and reporting back encouraging words is now filled with fear. Joshua is now face down in fear over 36 people were killed.

One man's sin affects the whole camp! We are all connected and depend on each other! God called for all of the devoted things to be destroyed! One man's decision to keep the devoted things caused destruction to a nation! What sin (devoted thing) am I holding on too?

Joshua 7:20-26

The progression of Achan's sin: He saw, he coveted, he took, he hid, and he died! The only way to break the progression of sin is through confession. Coveting will always lead to hiding and hiding will always lead to death! What consecrated thing am I not treating with righteousness?

Why did Achan wait so long to confess? He waited until he had no escape and no where to hide! God used Achan to set an example. No matter how bad our situation is it is better than Achans! Everyday that we draw breath we have a chance to repent!

True repentance begins with confession. Being real with yourself on what you have done and seeing how you have hurt God.

Philippians 2:10-11; Matthew 21:42-46

Vs. 44 -- better to fall on Jesus and become broken than to have Jesus fall onto you and being crushed! Then it is too late! The only way to stay clean in a world of filth is to wash yourself everyday through confession!

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Sent to the promise land! Abraham was called by God and sent to land that was promised to him. Being called by God can be a lonely thing. When God pricks your heart and puts his will on your conscience it can go against human reason. The people around you will doubt.

Genesis 12:1-8

When your sent you have to leave something behind.

When your called to something your sent away from something. All Abraham took with was what he could carry. God calls everyone of us and expects us to sacrifice for him. God calls us away from sinful practices, traditions, worlds security...etc. Luke 14:26 says we even have to give up our entire lives!

When you leave an old life behind God helps you build a new one. You can't build a new life on an old foundation! God calls out of our old life's to live a new life with him. To be a new creation for Him! Are you willing to leave behind your old life! To change your life you have to lose it! We have to tear down the old foundation and build a new house through God!

When your sent it transforms you!

For Abraham being sent changed his name and the meaning of his life. Abram to Abraham literally changed the definition of who he was. Abraham means father of many nations. Abrahams purpose in life changed after he was sent by God! If God changed just a few letters in your name, who would you be for him? What would your purpose be?

When you are sent you have something to look forward too!

Just like Abraham, God promises us a promise land! When your looking forward to something you will put up with almost anything. For example, who would go through a pregnancy if there was not a baby at the end? When you have a designation in mind, when you have an end goal you will persevere! God has promised us more that a physical land. God has promised us heaven! Revelation 21:4

How can we get negative about our journey when we know our destination is heaven?!

John 14:6 the only way is Jesus! If we are not on the path that goes through Jesus we are on the wrong path!

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Sunday, January 15, 2017



Sent to the promise land! Abraham was called by God and sent to land that was promised to him. Being called by God can be a lonely thing. When God pricks your heart and puts his will on your conscience it can go against human reason. The people around you will doubt.

Genesis 12:1-8

When your sent you have to leave something behind.

When your called to something your sent away from something. All Abraham took with was what he could carry. God calls everyone of us and expects us to sacrifice for him. God calls us away from sinful practices, traditions, worlds security...etc. Luke 14:26 says we even have to give up our entire lives!

When you leave an old life behind God helps you build a new one. You can't build a new life on an old foundation! God calls out of our old life's to live a new life with him. To be a new creation for Him! Are you willing to leave behind your old life! To change your life you have to lose it! We have to tear down the old foundation and build a new house through God!

When your sent it transforms you!

For Abraham being sent changed his name and the meaning of his life. Abram to Abraham literally changed the definition of who he was. Abraham means father of many nations. Abrahams purpose in life changed after he was sent by God! If God changed just a few letters in your name, who would you be for him? What would your purpose be?

When you are sent you have something to look forward too!

Just like Abraham, God promises us a promise land! When your looking forward to something you will put up with almost anything. For example, who would go through a pregnancy if there was not a baby at the end? When you have a designation in mind, when you have an end goal you will persevere! God has promised us more that a physical land. God has promised us heaven! Revelation 21:4

How can we get negative about our journey when we know our destination is heaven?!

John 14:6 the only way is Jesus! If we are not on the path that goes through Jesus we are on the wrong path!

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Seeing God!

Seeing God!

Isaiah saw God and never was the same! Why did Isaiah call God holy? Why was Isaiah awe struck by what he saw? With his own eyes he saw the majesty and splendor of the Lord and it changed his life for ever!!

Isaiah 6:1-4

1- God is alive! Psalm 90:2

2- God is authoritative! Isaiah 6:1 Gods throne gives him the right to rule the world. God the creator gives him the right to rule the world!

3- God is omnipotent! Isaiah 6:1gods throne is high and above any other authority on this earth! Isaiah 46:10; Daniel 4:35

4- God is magnificent! Isaiah 6:1

5- God is revered! Isaiah 6:2 Isaiah describes powerful beings in heaven that even with all their power were in submission to God! God is so much greater than anything we can imagine!

6- God is holy! Isaiah 6:3 In our language there is a limit to the ways that we can dis robe God! We run out of words! These powerful beings could only repeat the words holy, holy, holy! God is absolute and everything else is derivative! There is nothing on earth that we can compare to God! 1 Samuel 2:2; Isaiah 40:25

7- God is glorious! Isaiah 6:3-4 Ultimate God is glory! Gods glory is just a manifestation of Gods holiness! His Glory is the full display of his holiness! Leviticus 10:3 Some day God will blow away everything that competes with His glory in the hearts of men! One day every knee shall bow!

Isaiah 6:5-8 after seeing God, his holiness, his glory...ect; Isaiah responded with here am I send me! If I come in contact with God how can I respond in any other way? Here am I send me! What can I do for God? How can God use me? This is the reason for my existence! This is the purpose of my life!

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Judges 6:7-10

Judges 6:7-10

God sent a prophet before the angel was sent to Gideon. Before the miracles that were done in front of Gideon, God sent a prophet in the hopes that they would listen to him. Am I listening to God's word or expecting some miraculous sign? Gods word should be enough!

Gideon did not want to be sent. He did not want to hear what God wanted him to hear. God prompts us through his words and sometimes he intervenes miraculous until we surrender to his will.

Judges 7:1-23

Gideon was the most afraid and was kept while God let the rest of the men that were afraid go home! Gods battle plans are never what we expect. What is my part in Gods battle plan?

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Consequences of sin

Consequences of sin

Numbers 25:1-18; Numbers 31:16

1- The scenario of Israel's sin: Peor wanted to seduce Israel and blend their cultures. Through sexual immorality Peor influenced the Israelites to sin against God. Peor wanted Israel to simulate them and their practices to infiltrate Israel and pull them a way from God!

Our culture is changing and becoming so morally perverse that Christianity has become a water down word that has little influence. What used to be blatant sin has now become common place and normal. We have lost our convictions and morals as a society!

2- The sentence of God on Israel's sin: God commanded the leaders to purify Israel by killing all the offenders! God would have wiped out the entire nation unless atonement was made!

3- One Israelites schlock ing defiance of God: One of the judges own son came strolling into the camp with a Midianite women to have sex with her. In complete defiance he openly disobeyed God and committed sexual immorality.

4- One Israelites stunning response to the public defiance of God: Aaron's grandson defends Gods honor! It was zealous response that cost the lives of two people but saved the life of many more Israelites!

5- The sovereign verdict of God: Phinehas was blessed for his actions! God wanted more leaders like Phinehas who were willing to defend Gods honor!

6- God public identifies the sinners: The names of the two immoral sinners were recorded in the bible for all time! God was making a point! This is how God feels about sin! There is no room for apathy!

7- God's strike down order: this is a side of God that we don't like to look at or acknowledged but it is God! Sin is serious! God deals with sin in radical ways!

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New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

Everyone wants to start over. To hit the reset button. To have a clean slate. New Years resolutions are a great way to self evaluate and start over! The desire to be new and start fresh is a very Godly thing. We see it all through out the bible!

Malachi 2:2; Daniel 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:2

Paul resolved to know nothing but Christ crucified! What does that mean? Paul wanted to focus on nothing but Jesus and the cross. To resolve to know Christ you have to make a decision to know him. It's a profound statement that has implications in every area of your life! You have to make a decision to know everything about him! How he lived, why he lived, who he was, and what he accomplished!

To focus solely on Jesus and the cross will change your life. You cannot focus on Christ crucified with out being changed! When we resolve to know Jesus he meets us half way. We are not alone. He is eagerly waiting to know us and to be in a relationship with us as well! Our job is to just take the first step by making the decision to know Him.

To know nothing but Christ crucified is to out Jesus before anything else in your life. Your min is never off of Jesus. You see Jesus in everything! You apply Jesus example in everything you do. Jesus was never an after thought for Paul.

What try's to steal my focus? Where do my concerns go that pulls me away from staying focused on Jesus? My job, finances, marriage, pleasure, relaxation, sin...etc what do I need to resolve to know nothing but Christ crucified?

Focusing on the cross, our sin and salvation is a part of knowing Jesus. The cross keeps you from forgetting Jesus! When you think about Jesus and the cross you forget everything else. Your problems are no longer a concern. Your faith is increased! You trust and rely on God. Your relationships work out, your finances are not an issue. The cross of Christ effects every area of your life!

Matthew 6:33 God wants us to take care of the little details in our life. In return he wants us to focus on Jesus!

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