God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, March 26, 2012


(consider the opposite of self-denial... Self 'lordship'?)

Then Jesus made it clear to his disciples that it was now necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, submit to an ordeal of suffering at the hands of the religious leaders, be killed, and then on the third day be raised up alive. Peter took him in hand, protesting, "Impossible, Master! That can never be!" But Jesus didn't swerve. "Peter, get out of my way. Satan, get lost. You have no idea how God works." Then Jesus went to work on his disciples. "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for? (Matthew 16:21-26 MSG)

This applies to us NOW as much as it applied to Peter THEN. 

Our response to life's situations must reflect our submission to Jesus. It's natural to want to protect our loved ones and the people we care about - and these important relational ties. However, we MUST submit to Jesus' plans on all levels regardless of what we may think - like he showed Peter (above).

"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary. (John 10:11 MSG)

He is only the 'Good Shepherd' for those sheep who are remaining in the flock (humorous moment).

Being faithful requires seeking faith.

The prophets who told us this was coming asked a lot of questions about this gift of life God was preparing. The Messiah's Spirit let them in on some of it-that the Messiah would experience suffering, followed by glory. They clamored to know who and when. All they were told was that they were serving you, you who by orders from heaven have now heard for yourselves-through the Holy Spirit-the Message of those prophecies fulfilled. Do you realize how fortunate you are? Angels would have given anything to be in on this! (1 Peter 1:10-12 MSG)

During that time, prophets and angels were all eager for this message - 'would have given anything.' We HAVE this opportunity!

1. Prepare your mind for action.
  If we are not planning for success and for action in ways we simply cannot PLAN for fruit.

2. Be self-controlled
  We make plans, but we don't consistently implement them. We stop short or even sabotage our plans.

3. Set our hopes on heaven - the grace of God.
  This is our necessary inspiration. Why else are we doing these things? When things become hard to do or see  this will keep our paths straight.
  ("whoever has money, never has enough") - proverb. The continued hunger for whatever motivates us.

Don't lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn't know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God's life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, "I am holy; you be holy." (1 Peter 1:14-16 MSG)

4. Be holy as He is holy
  Allowing ourselves to made into holy vessels. We ARE NOT inherently holy. We seek this and pursue DAILY. Setting ourselves apart - critical Do-It-Yourself instructions.

You call out to God for help and he helps-he's a good Father that way. But don't forget, he's also a responsible Father, and won't let you get by with sloppy living. (1 Peter 1:17 MSG)

5. Live in fear of the Lord. 
  The literal translation presents itself as, "to turn UPSIDE-DOWN." a life of self-denial should seem very different than our former worldly self. 
*heart check* How do I view the opposite sex? Where do I draw my comforts and cravings? Consider these things...

6. Live in reverent fear
It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ's sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately-at the end of the ages-become public knowledge, God always knew he was going to do this for you. It's because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God. (1 Peter 1:18-21 MSG)

7. The blood of Jesus
  We have a blessing and opportunity with the blood of Jesus. We need this redeeming sacrifice.

8. Live through Him
  Jesus is with us and in us - remember this as we move through our day.

9. Check my motives.
  Am I regularly purifying myself - my motives need cleansing. We purify ourselves BY OBEYING.

  It's a shame to get so near the finish line, only to stumble over my own feet.

10. Crave pure spiritual milk

So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God's pure kindness. Then you'll grow up mature and whole in God. You've had a taste of God. (1 Peter 2:1-3 MSG)

Self-denial isn't a PHASE that we go through. It is a hallmark of our faith and a requisite to our discipleship. 

What areas of my life display my self-denial? 

What areas of my life DON'T display an appropriate level of self-denial? 

What help and DIY improvements will I seek?

*Remember that all of this brings us closer and more fully toward the joy and everlasting completeness of Christ.

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