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Monday, February 13, 2012

Spiritual Identity Theft; Bible Talk Lesson

Spiritual Identity Theft
  • Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States and around the world.
    • 10 million Americans become victims every year.
    • Identity Theft costs almost $53 billion annually.
    • Americans spent 300 million hours resolving issues related to identity theft.
    • If you do not take steps to protect your personal information, you too can be a victim.
  • Just as each person has a physical identity, God has created a spiritual identity for all people.
    • We can learn what God intends our identity to be in his scripture
    • Reference 1 Peter 2:9 and Ephesians 2:10 (or assign two readers ahead of time to get through them quick without turning).
      • A chosen people and royal priesthood.
      • A holy nation, a people belonging to God, declaring his praises.
      • God's workmanship, created in Christ to do good works.
    • God wants every person to take their place in his kingdom and fulfill their destiny!
  • However, many people are ignorant of God's ultimate plan for them and that their spiritual identity is being destroyed.
  • Your spiritual identity can be stolen through ignorance of God's word.
    • II Corinthians 4:1-4
    • This passage speaks of deceptions and distortions of the word of God. What is the difference between a distortion and a deception?
    • Distortion=to twist or mis-represent. VS. Deception=an illusion or fraud
    • What are some examples of distortions and deceptions about God's word that mislead people?
    • In verse 4, the scripture refers to mental blindness preventing the truth of God from being seen. Why is "blindness" to God's word so dangerous?
    • Who is the "god of this age"? What tricks does the "god of this age" use to deceive unbelievers about their spiritual identity?
  • Your spiritual identity can be destroyed by Sin.
    • I Corinthians 6: 9-11
    • Paul, the writer of I Corinthians, makes it clear that the "wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God". He goes on to name a number of sinful acts that make it impossible to be a Christian.
    • Why did Paul get so specific about what wickedness is?
      • These sins destroy our identity as Christians (they start to define who we are)
      • What sins do people commit today that define or "label" them? How do these labels affect their lives?
    • Fortunately for these Corinthian Christians, God took away their transgressions and sins and gave them their true identity. God erased the old evil person and made them into justified, sanctified, and holy people
      • God wants to do the same with us.
  • Conclusion:
    • Study God's word to find salvation and truth and avoid the deceptions of the devil.
    • And lets choose God's identity for us and stop letting sin define who we are.
    • Don't let spiritual identity theft happen to you.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Thanks for putting these notes together. I'm talking to my middle school students about spiritual identity theft tomorrow in Sunday school.

