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Monday, February 13, 2012

The Devil Made Me Do It; Bible Talk Lesson

The Devil Made Me Do it
  • What is the best excuse you have ever heard?
  • What is an excuse you give when you have done something wrong?
    • He or she made me; if they hadn't . . . then I wouldn't have . . .
  • Sometimes many of us can act this way about our sin, like it's not our fault. Almost like the devil made us do it.
    • Why do we want to make excuses and blame something/someone else when we sin?
      • Don't want to take responsibility
      • What will people think/How will I look if they know what I'm like.
      • Etc…
  • But we are going to look at the Bible and see what it says about our sin and what's really behind it.

  • The Heart determines behavior
  • Luke 6:43-45
    • From this parable- How do we know if someone is bad or good?
    • By their fruit
    • Like a receipt from the ATM shows the balance in our account, the fruit of our lives shows what's really in there
    • What does Jesus mean by fruit here?
      • whatever someone produces- their actions or words
    • What are some lessons that can be learned from this simple parable?
      • Bad cannot produce good
      • Sin will hinder us from doing good
      • Good cannot produce bad
      • Ex.- If you had a dog that would viciously attack you and others; it bit you and your friends repeated times. So you decide to put a muzzle on the dog to keep it from biting. Problem solved? Did you change the dog from a bad dog to a good one? It would be a good dog as long as you had the muzzle on. But what if the muzzle came off? Did the muzzle change the character of the dog?
    • The heart is the most important part of truly changing behavior

  • If the Heart determines behavior, we must change our heart.
    • How can we change our heart?
  • Joel 2:12-13
    • What does Joel mean by rend your heart?
      • Tear your heart instead of your clothes
    • How do people just "tear their clothes" instead of really changing?
      • Just act religious, know all the songs
    • How do we truly rend our heart or change our heart?
      • By seeing the consequences of sin and letting it break your heart
      • Look inward to see what's causing the sin
    • Then Clean out the inside

  • Don't make excuses and try to look good on the outside, be good in your heart and you won't need any excuses.

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