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Monday, April 25, 2011

Tips On Leading A Successful Bible Study Group

 Small Group Bible Study Tips for leading a bible study in your home or office:

1)      Pray before the bible study starts ( typically ask someone else to pray)

2)      Remember you as the leader are not to be the focus of the lessons.

a.       If possible do the least amount of the sharing, be more of a director, since you want others to share openly. TRY TO TALK less, this is a Bible Discussion TIME  and NOT necessarily a bible teaching time.

b.      Be upbeat yet relaxed.

c.       Always try to have an opening question or an ice breaker activity. It can be funny or thought provoking. Typically it should have to do with the topic of your lesson. If not make sure it is at least spiritual. Nothing long or confusing OR inappropriate.

d.      Pray often before the bible study. Start Sunday and pray with your spouse allot and share your thoughts with her on what you want to share. Our wives are incredible allies for us brothers when going into any type of sharing or lesson. To have another person who is on the same page as you with regards to your lesson is awesome. So stay close to your wife prior to any lesson or bible study. (You should actually stay spiritually close to her ALL the TIMES.)


3)      IF Possible Share your bible lessons with your assistants prior to the day of the bible study. The more on the same page with you the better.

4)      Remember JESUS , JESUS, JESUS.. JESUS is the focus so highlight what JESUS says or does, with wisdom, but as often as you can during your lesson.

5)      Have a handle on the time, so feel free if you have to stop those that may be lengthy in their sharing and just kindly but firmly mention that you have to move on. Always do this with grace and at the same time THANK them (sincerely) for their sharing.

6)      Never panic if things seem that they may get out of hand in the discussions or with visitors that may ask an off the wall question. Just gently direct it back to the lesson and express that the discussion can be taken up afterwards.

7)      Pray for EACH PERSON in your group as God will bless your love for them and your unity with them.

8)      Remember it is God's word so don't try to soften its meaning or over emphasize it either. That is not our job.

9)      KEEP IT SHORT 35mins or less

10)   Above all else HAVE FUN!

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