God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Renewing Our Minds

Opening question: How much influence does the world have on you?

Finish the following sentences:
  1. Like a good neighbor....
  2. AT&T More bars in....
  3. Wendy's, Where's the....
  4. Matress Frim where it's easy....
  5. Your in good hands with....
We've looked at some pretty crafty marketing tricks that persuade our thinking on a daily basis, but more seriously in what other ways does the world try to change our thinking?
      • Sexuality
      • Impurity
      • Honesty
      • Integrity
Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

    • What does it mean to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice?
      • Deny self, not our will anymore but God's will, we live our lives to please God rather than our flesh...etc
    • Why does Paul say "I urge you"?
      • We have a choice and need to make a decision to allow God's word to compel us.
      • Our motivation should be God's grace.
    • What is the pattern of this world?
      • Our sinful nature, destroyed lives, guilt, broken homes...etc
    • How do we break this pattern?
      • We have to renew our minds with Gods word!
    • If we choose live by the worlds pattern what is the outcome?
    • In what ways have you lived by the pattern of this world and regretted or suffered for it?
    • If we choose to renew our minds/change our thinking and align our lives with Gods word, what is the outcome?
      • Gods will; GOOD, PERFECT and PLEASING
Closing Question: Are you willing to renew your mind and align your life with Gods word rather than conform to the worlds pattern and thinking?

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tips On Leading A Successful Bible Study Group

 Small Group Bible Study Tips for leading a bible study in your home or office:

1)      Pray before the bible study starts ( typically ask someone else to pray)

2)      Remember you as the leader are not to be the focus of the lessons.

a.       If possible do the least amount of the sharing, be more of a director, since you want others to share openly. TRY TO TALK less, this is a Bible Discussion TIME  and NOT necessarily a bible teaching time.

b.      Be upbeat yet relaxed.

c.       Always try to have an opening question or an ice breaker activity. It can be funny or thought provoking. Typically it should have to do with the topic of your lesson. If not make sure it is at least spiritual. Nothing long or confusing OR inappropriate.

d.      Pray often before the bible study. Start Sunday and pray with your spouse allot and share your thoughts with her on what you want to share. Our wives are incredible allies for us brothers when going into any type of sharing or lesson. To have another person who is on the same page as you with regards to your lesson is awesome. So stay close to your wife prior to any lesson or bible study. (You should actually stay spiritually close to her ALL the TIMES.)


3)      IF Possible Share your bible lessons with your assistants prior to the day of the bible study. The more on the same page with you the better.

4)      Remember JESUS , JESUS, JESUS.. JESUS is the focus so highlight what JESUS says or does, with wisdom, but as often as you can during your lesson.

5)      Have a handle on the time, so feel free if you have to stop those that may be lengthy in their sharing and just kindly but firmly mention that you have to move on. Always do this with grace and at the same time THANK them (sincerely) for their sharing.

6)      Never panic if things seem that they may get out of hand in the discussions or with visitors that may ask an off the wall question. Just gently direct it back to the lesson and express that the discussion can be taken up afterwards.

7)      Pray for EACH PERSON in your group as God will bless your love for them and your unity with them.

8)      Remember it is God's word so don't try to soften its meaning or over emphasize it either. That is not our job.

9)      KEEP IT SHORT 35mins or less

10)   Above all else HAVE FUN!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Human Limitations Designed By God

I just wanted to share with you what I feel God has brought to me this morning.

2 Corinthians 4:17
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an EXTERNAL glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes NOT on what is SEEN, but on what is UNSEEN. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Our troubles should not diminish our faith or disillusion us.We should realize that there is a purpose in our day to day problems and suffering!

Problems and human limitations have several key benefits that have been designed by God to help us rely on him and not trust in our own strength. These benefits are:
  1. They remind us that Christ suffered for us and therefore he can sympathize with our struggles!
  2. They keep us from getting prideful!
  3. They cause us to look beyond this brief life!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Opening Questions:
  1. When things are going well in your life how often do you read and pray?
  2. Do you trust God and seek his will in the little decisions in your life?
  3. When times of trouble come, how often do you read and pray?


2 Chronicles 12:1-8

Vs. 1-2
We see here that God chose to bless King Rehoboam eminencely. His kingdom became established he grew in strength and stature and all Israel prospered as a result. Despite Gods blessings Rehoboam and Israel abandoned God and forsake him. They were unfaithful to the Lord and turned away from his commands and decrees.

When things are going well in your life and it is obvious that God is blessing you, do you rely on God more? For most people the temptation is to abandon God. We stop reading and praying. We starting rely on our own strength again and we forget that it was God who has allowed the "good times" in our lives and the blessings that come with it!

Just like Rehoboam, far too often we forsake God and turn out backs on him. Its not until we are forced to our knees again through some tragedy of unfortunate circumstance that we truly start to seek God again. Why is that? When life is going well and and we perceive to have little trouble, Satan is busy working, trying to take our eyes off Jesus and our faith. Satan knows that if he is successful in pulling our hearts away from God if only for a moment, then he knows he can stunt our growth spiritually and in some cases permanently.

Vs. 2-5
Sin always has a consequence and we have to see the serious implications our sinful nature can have in our lives. For Rehoboam this meant his kingdom was now in jeopardy, Gods rath was against him and he was going to be subject to the king of Egypt for the rest of his life. For us the further and further we slip away from having an intaminent relationship with God, we allow our selves to become subject to the world and its desires. We no longer become subject to God our father and soon find ourselves subject to another king...our sinful nature.

Our challenge as disciples is to never allow our zeal and fervor for the Lord to waiver. We have to dive into Gods word continuously in good times and in bad times. We have to fall to our knees daily in pray to God and rely on him for strength and wisdom.

Vs. 6-7
Praise God for his grace and mercy in our lives. When we repent and chose to humble our selves before him he always shows mercy on us but think of what would have happened in Israel if Rehoboam would have stayed faithful to God? How much more would God have blessed them? Staying humble in our walk with God and in life in general is the key to staying close to God. Regardless of our life circumstances whether good or bad we have to fight spiritually to stay close to God and not allow Satan to gain a foot hold in our lives spiritual.

Vs. 8
God spared Rehoboams life, however, he did allow Rehoboam to become subject to the King of Egypt for a time. Why did God allow this? So that Israel could learn the difference between following God and following the world. John 10:10 says that..."A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." God wants us to have a fulfilling life, free from regret and the damages of living a life in subject to our sinful nature. Make Jesus Lord of your life and become subject to him alone!

2 Chronicles 14:2-15

V.s. 2-6
Here we see another King, King Asa who did what was right in the eyes of the Lord by following all that God had commanded . He did not allow Israel become unfaithful by turning towards other Gods. He routed out all the idol worship and pagan sacrifices in Judah and he commanded his people to seek the Lord God and to obey all his laws and commands. As a result God gave King Asa and all of Judah rest!

Things are going good in Asa's life. His kingdom is established, there is peace in the land and his nation is prospering. So what does Asa do? Does he lay back and take life easy?

Vs. 7
We see that Asa continued to worship the Lord and follow his commands. In his time or peace he fortified the cities of Judah. Why? God never promises us that there will never be trouble. In fact God promises us that trouble will come. King Asa was preparing his people for the impending trouble. Like wise spiritualy we need to all ways seek God and fortify our selves spiritually. Ephesians 6:13 says..."Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that WHEN the day of evil comes; you may be able to stand your ground..." It does not say if the day of evil comes but rather WHEN the day of evil comes!

Like King Asa we have to prepare our hearts and minds for action in trouble and out of trouble so that our faith and trust in God can be unswerving!

Vs. 8-15
When the day of evil comes Asa was prepared spiritually and never wavered in his faith towards God. Asa never abandoned God the way King Rehoboam had and King Asa trusted and relied on God for deliverance. When we stay faithful to God in the good times, we prepare our selves for the tough times in our lives. We are able to see God and his deliverance and there is no question in our minds that he will provide, protect and comfort us in all situations. As Jeremiah 29:11-13 says "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

See God with all your heart in season and out of season, in good times or bad. Stay humble before the Lord and let him fight your battles. Reply on God and trust in his deliverance for your life! Be subject to the Lord your God and serve him alone and truly you will have life and have it to the full! Amen!