God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Father’s Day

Father's Day Mark 14:12-26 • The Passover was a time to reflect on the salvation of God and how he rescued them from death. • God uses this time to display his ultimate recuse and salvation. • So many emotions urging this time. • Jesus knows who will betray him. • He knows what he is about to experience. • He knows the sacrifice he will have to make. • He knows that all will fall away. • Jesus could see beyond their failures. • Vs 22-23 — Jesus redefines what Passover is going to mean. • What did these words mean to these men on this night? • Where they still thinking of things in the past. • What value did these words have to these men? • What value do these words have for us? • Are we pre-cross or post cross in our responses? • The disciples fell away and betrayed. • After the cross and understanding what Jesus had done for them it changed their lives. • They were willing to die for Jesus. • Does the cross have the impact on my life the way it should? • When we said Jesus is Lord at baptism it was a proclamation that redirected our lives! • How are you today at making Jesus Lord? • We agreed that he would be Lord over everything aspect of our lives! Mark 14:27-30 • Peter swore he would die for Jesus and would never desert him. • At this moment Peter had no way to truly make Jesus Lord! • It was not until he was broken and accepted the cross, the salvation, mercy, and grace of Jesus that he was able to truly make Jesus Lord of his life! • The power of the cross has the ability to change our lives if we are willing to connect with that cross! • Jesus keeps inviting us back every week, come back to the table and remember the cross and the sacrifice that he has made. • It's an invitation to make Jesus Lord of our lives again! • Remember and make Jesus Lord!

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