God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 25, 2024

In His Right Mind

In His Right Mind What has Jesus done for me? What has he restored in my life? What healing has he provided? What areas of my life has Jesus impacted? What does it mean to be in right mind? Jesus shows us and teaches us how to think correctly! As Christian's we have been given the challenge to have the mind of Christ. When we take Jesus out of the equation we are not able to be in our right mind. With a Godly perspective and with our eyes fixed on Jesus we are able to be of healthy mind. Through Jesus we learn about our worth and how valuable we are to God! Through Jesus we learn what love really is! We learn how to view other people. We learn how to have healthy relationships. How to be good parents. How to live life in general! Mark 5:1-17 Jesus restores this man to his right mind! The town pleaded with Jesus to leave. And Jesus did! Jesus never forced himself on anyone. What miracles would have Jesus done in their lives and through them? We will never know. Matthew 22:36-38; Psalm 135:15-18; John 13:34-35 This is what God expects from us. To love him and to love others. We have to see that all of us are worshiping something. What are you going to worship? All of god's are dead and cannot hear, speak, or save. Jesus is worthy of love and worship. Matthew 5:29-30; Matthew 6:31-33; Matthew 6:24; John 14:15; 1 John 2:3-6 Luke 18:18-24 What was the difference between the Rich Young rulers response and call from Jesus and the way the Demon possessed man responded? Mark 5:18-20 The people who see how they were healed are the ones who want to follow Jesus where ever he may go. Their gratitude is evident in the way they respond! Do you still remember how much Jesus has done for you? When was the last time you told someone how much Jesus had done for you?! Luke 12:20 Time is of the essence. Which way are you running today? Towards Jesus or away from him?

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jesus Calms the Storms

Jesus Calms the Storms

Mark 4:35-40

• Here is this storm and is completely sound asleep. Jesus has no fear and is in complete peace of mind, body and spirit!
• What did the disciples think about Jesus taking a nap during this time?
• What was their question of Jesus?
• Fear caused them to doubt Jesus (Gods) love for them.
• Worry created a mixture of emotions from anger, to fear, to worry, to hopelessness!
• What question did Jesus have for the disciples?
• He wanted to know where their faith was.
• To Jesus this was a small thing that should not have been an issue of faith.
• Think of all the miracles that the disciples witnessed before this miracle.
• Have you accused God of being careless with your situation?
• What do you do when the storms of life hit?
• What do you turn to?
• Do you go back to the word of God.
• Do you seek God in prayer?
Psalms 121:1-8
• Who is your helper?
• We have to be convinced of this to be able to have faith when the storms of life come!
• The Psalmist says that God will not sleep and he will not slumber. He will not let your foot slip!
Psalm 23:1-6
Psalm 13:1-6
• God gives us the space to work out our fear and doubt.
• As long as we turn to God with our laments and with our fear and doubt God will listen to us!
• The psalmist takes all his worry, fear, and doubt and decides to trust in God's unfailing love, and in his salvation!
Romans 5:6-8
• God has already demonstrated the lengths he will go to save us!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Father’s Day

Father's Day Mark 14:12-26 • The Passover was a time to reflect on the salvation of God and how he rescued them from death. • God uses this time to display his ultimate recuse and salvation. • So many emotions urging this time. • Jesus knows who will betray him. • He knows what he is about to experience. • He knows the sacrifice he will have to make. • He knows that all will fall away. • Jesus could see beyond their failures. • Vs 22-23 — Jesus redefines what Passover is going to mean. • What did these words mean to these men on this night? • Where they still thinking of things in the past. • What value did these words have to these men? • What value do these words have for us? • Are we pre-cross or post cross in our responses? • The disciples fell away and betrayed. • After the cross and understanding what Jesus had done for them it changed their lives. • They were willing to die for Jesus. • Does the cross have the impact on my life the way it should? • When we said Jesus is Lord at baptism it was a proclamation that redirected our lives! • How are you today at making Jesus Lord? • We agreed that he would be Lord over everything aspect of our lives! Mark 14:27-30 • Peter swore he would die for Jesus and would never desert him. • At this moment Peter had no way to truly make Jesus Lord! • It was not until he was broken and accepted the cross, the salvation, mercy, and grace of Jesus that he was able to truly make Jesus Lord of his life! • The power of the cross has the ability to change our lives if we are willing to connect with that cross! • Jesus keeps inviting us back every week, come back to the table and remember the cross and the sacrifice that he has made. • It's an invitation to make Jesus Lord of our lives again! • Remember and make Jesus Lord!