God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, April 10, 2023

The Get-A-Way

The Get-A-Way

Marriage is the first and single most important institution God created!

Genesis 3:1-13
Blame and shame was a trait from the beginning. We live in a world that has a lot of blame and shame. No one's wants people to know who they really are or say what they really think.

Marriage was created to be a place with nakedness and no shame! Naked physically, emotionally, spiritually…etc! This was Gods design and plan for marriage! Are you emotionally and spiritually naked with your spouse?!

Talk to God before you bite! Why didn't they challenge what the serpent was saying? If Adam and Eve would have talked to God and protected each other we would still be in the garden today! The answer is not clothing ourselves or hiding from God! The answer is talking to each other and to God!

Song of Songs 8:10; 2:16; 6:3
Find containment in your wife! Nothing is more sacred than your marriage. Don't share your bed with a snake! What ever form Satan takes; kick him out of your marriage!

What would help you grow closer to my wife? Pray with my wife and lover her the way she loves men; unconditionally!

Being vulnerable is where you share your weakness and your need. It's not about just being open and sharing what ever is on your mind. Talk to God first and then talk to your wife!

Set your priorities! God is number one! Exodus 20:3 Your wife is not designed to be worshipped like a God! Your spouse is 2nd and it is important that she knows that! Nothing else should come before your wife! Children are third. This creates a health parent child relationship!

Proverbs 31:29-31

What is the spirit speaking to me? God has given me a great honor and blessing by I trusting me with the wife that I have and the Kids that we have raised! My wife fears God and she is worthy of all praise!

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