God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Adventure Time!

Adventure Time!

As followers of God we are on an adventure! God has a mission that has not changed since the beginning of time. He leads us on that mission, on that adventure and be lead by his Holy Spirit!

God wants us to join him! Acts 1:4; 2:5-7. This is all Gods work through Peter.

Acts 8:1 scattering the church was God's plan. It may not have seemed like Gods plan at the time.

Acts 8:26,29

Acts 16:9

God is always out front leading us in the direction that will accomplish his mission. We don't like the direction it may takes us at times. It's scary to trust God blindly and follow him!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Soul!

The Soul!

There is something we all have but rarely think about. It is the Soul! the soul is an active part of your being and the medium through which we connect to God and transcend from this world to the next!
You are the keeper of your soul. God offers eternal life and salvation to your soul!

Matthew 16:24-27

Our physical bodies come in all shapes and sizes. They come with abilities and disabilities. Our soul can not be classified in these ways. Our souls are uniquely common! God has created a soul in each of us that mirrors Him!

Our souls are all limited by the same space, time, ability. Your soul yearns for God!

Psalms 84:2; 63:8; 42:1-2 all souls were created to yearn for God! When our souls connect to God in the way it was created for, our souls be come congruent with our minds and body!

1 John 1:6 congruence will only happen when you feed your soul what it was meant for!

God also created our souls to yearn for authentic loving relationships with other souls!

Ecclesiastes 4:7-12

Who do you have a soul to soul relationship with? The only way to have a soul to soul relationship is through intentional action to connect on a soul level!

Ezekiel 18:20 you are the keeper of your soul and your soul's condition is solely your responsibility! You cannot blame anyone else's sin for your soul's condition!

Flourishing after a fall

Flourishing after a fall

How do we flourish spiritually? Are you flourishing in your life? Psalms 1:1-3 the first thing you need to flourish is to emerge yourself in Gods word! Where are you standing and sitting? Think about your relationships and the circles that you are in? Are they with scoffers and sinners? Are you in fellowship with them or with God?

Every Christian's at some point will fall. Sometimes we go down harder than other times! Satan is always trying to knock us down! Luke 4:13 Satan is an opportunist and is always looking for a moment when we may be struggling or weak! Luke 22:31-32

Matthew 27:3-5 Peter failed and Judas failed. They both feel bad and yet one makes a comeback and the other doesn't! 2 Corinthians 7:11

John 13:18-27 sin left unchecked leads to a place where there is no rebound! Guarding our heart is important!

1 Corinthians 10:13 we are not unique, we all struggle with the same things! There is always a way out. God will not tempt us beyond what we can handle! We have the choice to rebound and God will help us to get back on sound ground and a sure footing!

Mark 16:1-7 God knows when we need help and when we need a special message to help us to get back up. God send us messengers! Are you excepting Gods messenger and are you willing to be the person that delivers Gods message to others?

Proverbs 15:10-12; 15:31-32; 12:1

1 Peter 5:5-7 being humble is a posture that is closely connected to openness! Are you open about your life, your struggles, and your heart?

John 12:1-6 Judas was given three years to repent! Jesus knew what Judas was doing and loved him anyway!

Hebrews 3:12-13

Uncomfortable conversations happen after the fall. We have to have those conversations to stand again! John 21:15-19; 1 Peter 5:10-11 there is no sin so great that Jesus cannot forgive. No sin so great that we cannot repent and God cannot restore us!

Ephesus — What we did at first!

Ephesus — What we did at first!

Revelation 1:17-18; 2:1-7

"To the angel of the church in Ephesus!" The angel is commanded to write these things and deliver this message to the church (the people of the congregation).

The church was commended on many things and yet they were rebuked for not having the love they had at first. What changed in their love for God? What was it that kept them from keeping their first love? Could be love for each other? What is our first love? Is it not supposed to be God?

Consider this, the church is the bride of Christ. Is your first love not supposed to be your spouse? What happens in a marriage when your spouse is not your first love? In a healthy marriage your love for each other should evolve overtime to a deeper love that is stronger as each day goes by.

So how do we measure where our love for God is currently?

1 Peter 1:8 Does this describe that kind of love?

"Remember the height to which you have fallen" We take an account and a measurement. The hearts is hard only when someone does not know his heart is hard.

"Do the things you did at first" We do not have to reinvent ways to love God. All we have to do is love God the way he called is too! The gospel is a simple message and the call of the gospel is a simple calling! Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength!

Monday, April 10, 2023

Grown up Faith!

Grown up Faith!

Ephesians 4:1-16

We all want a faith that is full grown! Three things are given to help us mature in our faith!

The call to make Jesus is Lord of your life! It is also a call to be a christian and disciple of Jesus!

Unity requires work.

The gift of grace! Paul is right this letter from prison. He identifies as a prisoner in this passage and yet still sees the grace of God that was given to him!

Vs. 12 — all theses gift have been given to us to do good works!

Signs of maturity are, humbleness, truthfulness, gentleness, patience, and love!

What are we maturing into? God is trying to help us mature into being the example of Jesus that world needs!

Vs. 16 — as each part does its work. Maturity comes with growth and growth takes unity, support, love, and work!

The Get-A-Way

The Get-A-Way

Marriage is the first and single most important institution God created!

Genesis 3:1-13
Blame and shame was a trait from the beginning. We live in a world that has a lot of blame and shame. No one's wants people to know who they really are or say what they really think.

Marriage was created to be a place with nakedness and no shame! Naked physically, emotionally, spiritually…etc! This was Gods design and plan for marriage! Are you emotionally and spiritually naked with your spouse?!

Talk to God before you bite! Why didn't they challenge what the serpent was saying? If Adam and Eve would have talked to God and protected each other we would still be in the garden today! The answer is not clothing ourselves or hiding from God! The answer is talking to each other and to God!

Song of Songs 8:10; 2:16; 6:3
Find containment in your wife! Nothing is more sacred than your marriage. Don't share your bed with a snake! What ever form Satan takes; kick him out of your marriage!

What would help you grow closer to my wife? Pray with my wife and lover her the way she loves men; unconditionally!

Being vulnerable is where you share your weakness and your need. It's not about just being open and sharing what ever is on your mind. Talk to God first and then talk to your wife!

Set your priorities! God is number one! Exodus 20:3 Your wife is not designed to be worshipped like a God! Your spouse is 2nd and it is important that she knows that! Nothing else should come before your wife! Children are third. This creates a health parent child relationship!

Proverbs 31:29-31

What is the spirit speaking to me? God has given me a great honor and blessing by I trusting me with the wife that I have and the Kids that we have raised! My wife fears God and she is worthy of all praise!

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Matthew 28:1-10

Think about the three days that lead up to the resurrection! What do you think they disciples were thinking? They witness Jesus being arrested, convicted by a kangaroo court, beaten, flogged, and crucified! The day after Jesus death they must had believed that their dreams and hopes of a messiah were over!

Matthew 28:11-20; Matthew 16:13-23

Jesus meets his disciples for the first time and basically says "hello". He has an expectation that they have faith to see that this was God's plan from the beginning and it's time to move forward. There's work to be done! To advance His kingdom!

What God released on Easter Sunday was not comfort or an easy life! The resurrection has the power to change lives and benefit the followers of Jesus but it also causes fear and trouble. The battle had just begun, and the disciples were called to continue the message of the gospel at the risk of loosing their lives and everything they had!

John 20:19-21; John 12:23-25

As Jesus died and calls us to die to ourselves. Die to selfishness, anger, greed, addiction, die to sin!

Acts 17:5-6

God released a plan to change the world on Easter Sunday! God released hope, forgiveness, mercy,salvation, and the power of resurrection!

Matthew 7:15-20
God calls us to be the good tree and bear good fruit. Who are you following? Who is Lord of your life, You or Jesus? This question is answered by your life and the fruit that you produce!

Galatians 5:19-21 bad fruit. Galatians 5:22-24 good fruit!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Be Courageous!

Be Courageous!

Are you aware of how much God has forgiven you? Satan wants us to believe that God doesn't love us that much!

What does it mean biblically to be courageous? How to stand up to social and cultural pressure. Paul is a great example of this. He was always trying to show and teach the ways of God to people that were socially and culturally not living the way that God teaches!

Acts 22:22-24; 30-23:10

The gospel is good news to those who will accept it! The gospel is not always good news to everyone. Some people don't want to hear it. The gospel is offensive to some people because it challenges their beliefs, feelings and their desires!

Acts 23:11 — The lord stood near to Paul! God always is with you and he is the source of courage that we need to defend His gospel!

1. Be courageous because Christ is here!
1. Jesus is with you and he is the strength you should draw your courage from!
2. Be courageous because Christ has a purpose!
1. God was working through Paul to go to Rome to for fill his purpose!
2. Paul confidently went to for fill Gods will as soon as it was revealed to him!
3. Be courageous because Christ has a plan is your purpose!

Acts 23:12-32

Nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus!

Nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus!

Romans 8:18-39

Paul was no stranger to suffering. He shared and wrote Romans 8 from a place of experience. How did he do it? How did he keep his faith and purpose through suffering? What kept Paul going? The answer is very simple. Jesus! It was his connection and closeness with Jesus!

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Paul had a relationship with a living Jesus!

Romans 8:28-29 Paul knew that God had the power to workout every situation. Paul was not swayed by circumstances or suffering. He knew and trusted that God was in control!

2 Corinthians 1:3-9 Paul had the right perspective on who God was.

Matthew 28:38-46 Jesus went through ridicule, physical, and emotional pain for us! Satan loves to show us in our suffering moments and wants us to question whether God loves us!

Romans 8:35-39 who shall separate us? Not anything of this world can separate us from God! Only we can walk away from God. If we choose to stay connected to God nothing can separate us!

Return and give thanks!

Return and give thanks!

1. God
2. Wife
3. Family
4. My house
5. My job
6. Fellowship
7. Songs
8. Financial stability
9. Prayer
10. My kids
11. Seeing my daughter marry
12. My health

Luke 17:11-19; Leviticus 13:45-46

Jesus never forces gratitude or praise. Why does God give us that choice? Why does god heal and save? Why does he continue to love people who are ungrateful? The samaritan returns!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Gods will is for us to be joyful in all circumstances! This type of disposition only comes with a close relationship with God! How devoted are you to Gods word? How grateful am I?

John 8:31-32

Gratitude journals are good to have. People who write down what they are thankful for are 25% more happy than people that don't.

James 1:2-4; Hebrews 12:11; Romans 5:3-4; Psalms 34:18

There is so much to be thankful for. Even the things of this world that cause pain and suffering are areas where God can deliver some good.

Romans 8:26

Colossians 1:24

2 Corinthians 3:16-18; Hebrews 5:7-9

Psalms 100:1-5

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus!

Nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus!

Romans 8:18-39

Paul was no stranger to suffering. He shared and wrote Romans 8 from a place of experience. How did he do it? How did he keep his faith and purpose through suffering? What kept Paul going? The answer is very simple. Jesus! It was his connection and closeness with Jesus!

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Paul had a relationship with a living Jesus!

Romans 8:28-29 Paul knew that God had the power to workout every situation. Paul was not swayed by circumstances or suffering. He knew and trusted that God was in control!

2 Corinthians 1:3-9 Paul had the right perspective on who God was.

Matthew 28:38-46 Jesus went through ridicule, physical, and emotional pain for us! Satan loves to show us in our suffering moments and wants us to question whether God loves us!

Romans 8:35-39 who shall separate us? Not anything of this world can separate us from God! Only we can walk away from God. If we choose to stay connected to God nothing can separate us!