God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Jesus washes the disciples feet.

Jesus washes the disciples feet.

John 13:1-5
  1. Jesus was aware that the hour had come. He knew the suffering he was about to endure.
  2. Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him.
  3. Jesus put a towel around his waist. A King who led with a towel! Kings wear robes and jewelry! They display they display splendor!
  4. Like a servant.

John 13:6-9
  1. They had witnessed Jesus's power (calms the storm, raised the dead, cured diseases...). Seen his holiness. Witnessed the transfiguration and felt the presence of God!
  2. Peter felt unworthy! Peters response was the only one recorded but probably a common response among the disciples.
  3. Why did he want jesus not to stop at his feet? What was symbolic about his hands and head? The instruments of sin.

John 13:10-11
  1. Peter was far from clean. The power of salvation through Gods grace and mercy!
  2. Peter betrayed Jesus just as much as Judas!
  3. I am dirty but Jesus has made me clean!

John 13:12-17
  1. Do you understand what Jesus has done for you? Much more than serving!
  2. We are called to remove all social status, economic status, pride, and arrogance and serve!
  3. Our call to service has nothing to do with the response of the people we are serving. Jesus washed Judas feet even though Judas was far from Jesus and was looking to betray him!
  4. Christ love compels us — 2 corinthians 5:14-15 — this should be our motivation to do likewise!

Living out the Gospel

Living out the Gospel

Luke 8:1-3
  • How did these average, uneducated jews have the influence that they on the world? The early church lived out the gospels in their lives. In doing so they changed the world around them!

Luke 8:4-8
  • What is the Lords call in this parable? Those who have ears, let them hear! Hear what Jesus is saying and understand what he is calling us to do.

Luke 8:9-15
  • How responsive are you to Gods word? Does it cultivate in your heart and produce something? The good soil was good because accepted Gods word and it produced a crop.
  • The only variable in this parable is the soil conditions!
  • What allows the good soil to be a good soil? Sometimes we have to cultivate the soil and remove the things that are not good, add things that will help the soil, and break up or sift through the soil!

Luke 8:16-17
  • Gods gospel can be fully understood. God's word is the light and will bring light to every dark place.
  • It is out job to let that light shine and not snuff is out. It should be on full display!

Luke 8:18-19
  • Focus on how you listen. If we receive Gods word and act on it we will be given more.

Luke 8:20-21
  • We are Gods family. Those that put the word into practice!



Chapter 16
  1. Vs 19-20 Why didn't Jobs friends come and pray with him. Why didn't they try and intercede with God for him? Through Jesus we have the power to pray and intercede with God!
Chapter 17
  1. Vs 13-16 Job only had the hope of Gods faithfulness on earth. He no knowledge of Jesus and the hope that was to come!
  2. We have that hope! The hope of salvation. The hope of eternity with God!
  3. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Romans‬ ‭8:35‬-39
Chapter 19
  1. Vs 23-27 Through the toughest trials and struggles come some of our strongest moments of faith! If we trust God and believe in him we can overcome anything!
Chapter 20
  1. Righteous people suffer, wicked people prosper, righteous people prosper, and wicked people suffer!
  2. It is wrong to assume that if you prosper God is with you and if You suffer God is against you!
  3. We do not know why. What we do know is that God rules over our lives and loved enough to send his one and only begotten Son! John 3:16. In what other way could God demonstrate his love to us?!

Sunday, August 2, 2020



Chapter 16
  1. Vs 19-20 Why didn't Jobs friends come and pray with him. Why didn't they try and intercede with God for him? Through Jesus we have the power to pray and intercede with God!
Chapter 17
  1. Vs 13-16 Job only had the hope of Gods faithfulness on earth. He no knowledge of Jesus and the hope that was to come!
  2. We have that hope! The hope of salvation. The hope of eternity with God!
  3. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Romans‬ ‭8:35‬-39
Chapter 19
  1. Vs 23-27 Through the toughest trials and struggles come some of our strongest moments of faith! If we trust God and believe in him we can overcome anything!
Chapter 20
  1. Righteous people suffer, wicked people prosper, righteous people prosper, and wicked people suffer!
  2. It is wrong to assume that if you prosper God is with you and if You suffer God is against you!
  3. We do not know why. What we do know is that God rules over our lives and loved enough to send his one and only begotten Son! John 3:16. In what other way could God demonstrate his love to us?!

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The cross through the eyes of Job

The cross through the eyes of Job

  • The book of Job — Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • Will a righteous man love God regardless of blessings?
  • Who defines justice? Romans 6:23
    • Jobs argument with God was not that he was absolutely sinless. He believed his sin did not justify the suffering he was going through.
  • Without Jesus there would be no grace or mercy and we would be left with God punishing us for the sins we commit and rewarding us for our good deeds! SCARY thought!
  • Job so the need for someone who could intercede between a sinful man and a Holy God!
    • Job 9:2,12,14-15,20,33;14:3-4;15:14;16:19-21; 1 Timothy 2:5-6
  • Unlike Job we have the knowledge of the gospel. We have the hope of salvation and eternity with God!
  • We can trust God in all situations because we know the price he was willing to pay to redeem us!
    • Like Job we may not get the answer to the why questions. What we do know is that God rules over our lives and is in control of everything! He loved us enough to send his one and only begotten Son! John 3:16. In what other way could God have demonstrated his love more completely to us?!