God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Amazing community

Amazing community

Which generation were you baptized in? Unloving? Dysfunctional? Transitional? Zealous?

The Joshua generation. 40 years of wilderness. They see their parents worshiping idols. They were a nation of complainers. They made a lot of mistakes and had a lot of challenges to overcome. They became a people of great faith, purpose, and accomplishment.

In Joshua's generation they had a lot of reasons to continue to be disobedient and dysfunctional. How did they break that cycle?

How to create the community that God intended? You have to focus on being a Spiritual community, Mission minded community, Transforming community!

Joshua 1:2;3:1-5; 1:6-8; 3:11-13

No one has ever met God in the bible and not either changed or rejected him! If we are meeting God daily then there should be growth!

Joshua 1 -- Gods is in control
2 -- delights in uses the weak
3 -- honors faith
4 -- sets us apart to be holy
5 -- intervenes
6 -- overcomes obstacles
7 -- hates sin
8 -- turns defeat into victory
9 -- nothing is impossible

Exodus 23:30; Deuteronomy 9:3 -- God does things sometime quickly and sometime God works over time. God is more interested in shaping us into who we need to be rather than just solving a problem. God could solve anything with a thought. He chose sometimes to allow us to go through things for our benefit!

Joshua 1:12-16;22:1-4 -- mission minded community!

Philippians 2:19-30

Sent from my iPhone

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