God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Amazing community

Amazing community

Which generation were you baptized in? Unloving? Dysfunctional? Transitional? Zealous?

The Joshua generation. 40 years of wilderness. They see their parents worshiping idols. They were a nation of complainers. They made a lot of mistakes and had a lot of challenges to overcome. They became a people of great faith, purpose, and accomplishment.

In Joshua's generation they had a lot of reasons to continue to be disobedient and dysfunctional. How did they break that cycle?

How to create the community that God intended? You have to focus on being a Spiritual community, Mission minded community, Transforming community!

Joshua 1:2;3:1-5; 1:6-8; 3:11-13

No one has ever met God in the bible and not either changed or rejected him! If we are meeting God daily then there should be growth!

Joshua 1 -- Gods is in control
2 -- delights in uses the weak
3 -- honors faith
4 -- sets us apart to be holy
5 -- intervenes
6 -- overcomes obstacles
7 -- hates sin
8 -- turns defeat into victory
9 -- nothing is impossible

Exodus 23:30; Deuteronomy 9:3 -- God does things sometime quickly and sometime God works over time. God is more interested in shaping us into who we need to be rather than just solving a problem. God could solve anything with a thought. He chose sometimes to allow us to go through things for our benefit!

Joshua 1:12-16;22:1-4 -- mission minded community!

Philippians 2:19-30

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Avengers -- Mother's Day!

Avengers -- Mother's Day!

2 Samuel 21:1-9

Vengeance becomes more vengeance. The vengeance becomes a violent cycle that never ends. Saul is dead and these men still want vengeance for payback. Even death could not overcome vengeance. Our world will always think that payback is the appropriate response to any grievance that has been committed against someone.

A mothers love broke the cycle!

2 Samuel 21:10-14

Rizpah guarded the bodies of her children for probably 6 months. Her love and commitment stopped the cycle of violence and vengeance. She could have blamed every thing in her life on Saul and David. She was a concubine and had no rights to remarry. She was a widow until she died. She focused on her children and to her it was more important to show love for her children than to show hate for her enemies!

John 13:34-35

Am I loving in a way that has impact? God promises that when we love like this the whole world
Will not that we follow God!

Gods love is a mothers love!

Isaiah 66:13

The best parts of a mothers love is a reflection of Gods love! Mothers love patiently, through long suffering and unconditionally! How would a mother pursue a lost child? How would a mother forgive her children? How would a mother view her children amount others? A mothers love come from God.

We all need to love each other they way God loves! When we love like a mother who loves like God we can heal wounds and bring forgiveness.

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Saturday, May 5, 2018



We all know that vengeance is wrong but we all like the idea of revenge when someone who deserves to get vengeance finally gets it. The bible is full of stories of vengeance.

Saul and the dangers of vengeance!

Vengeance makes you do foolish things!

1 Samuel 14:24-30 Saul is so concerned with the pay back of his enemies that he makes a foolish decision. Saul makes this rash vow for no reason. He even makes the vow without telling all of his men. Such foolishness!

Vengeance comes from lack of forgiveness. Refusing to forgive will make you foolish as well and leads to vengeance.

Vengeance hurts everyone. No one is immune.

1 Samuel 14:31-34;43-45

When you want vengeance you will hurt the person you want vengeance against but you will also hurt the people around you. Saul's men were so hungry and so desperate that they sin against God and broke every commandment with regards to how Gods people should eat!

Hebrews 12:14-15 When we are motivated by pay back we hurt everyone around us! If we allow bitterness in our hearts it will ruin us and defile many!

1 Samuel 15:26 Saul's vengeance eventually led him to loosing his crown. Saul started sinful patterns that never left his life. His vengeance led to many sins and a heart full of pride!

Vengeance leads to destruction!

What is the answer to vengeance?

Ephesians 4:31-32 Jesus! Let go!

1 Peter 2:23-24 Jesus was the only one who justifiably could have sought vengeance! Jesus paid back hurt with love! The hurt and pain in our life bends us towards vengeance but Jesus provides healing for our hurt and pain if we will only lean to him!

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