God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gratitude is a necessity in our relationship God. U

Gratitude is a necessity in our relationship God. Unfortunately Being grateful is unnatural. Gratitude creates a happy life style and a health outlook. Ungratefulness is really a by product of dissatisfaction and lacking contentment. So how do we put on gratitude in our lives? You have to start simple! Breath, life, nature, all the beautiful things that God has created for you!

Psalms 19

David had the right perspective of who he was and who God is and how he fit in Gods creation. David was grateful and praise God. David was grateful for Gods word which allowed him to be grateful for the other things in his life! Look at the ways that David described Gods word! If your grateful for the word you read it, study it, and live it! David was also grateful for forgiveness. When you realize your forgiven it is easy to forgive others and gratefulness comes easy. When you know your forgiven your life changes. Nothing can rob you of joy!

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The man with gratitude!

The man with gratitude!

Luke 17:11-19

Nine men obeyed Jesus and went away. They were not bad men. They were obedient and went an showed them selves to the priest. The samaritan was exceptional and the only one who came back and said thank you! To Jesus, gratitude was note worthy and worth talking about. The story's main theme is not about Jesus healing power but about the one man that came back and was grateful!

Romans 1:24-31

The man that has gone head long into the world and given themselves over to every sin the world has to offer. How does someone become like that? How do they get there? Romans 1:21-23

It begins with an unwillingness to be thankful for God! Lack of gratitude for God leads to a road of destruction that you may not be able to return from!

Gratitude is not just an act of courtesy but a necessary action that we must have in our hearts to have a relationship with God.

Why is it so hard to be grateful?

We allow ourselves to be the center of our universe. We think we deserve instead of thinking we do not deserve. When we come to expect something we no longer give thanks for it. How grateful can you be when you think you deserve everything?

How can we be more grateful? You open your eyes and see what God has done in your life. You focus on the blessings you have and not on the stuff you do not have!

Make a list of all the things that God has given you and see how it changes your perspective! Make a list of all the things you are thankful for on something and you will be grateful! Look at that list often and you'll stop focusing on all the things you do not have. We have so much to be grateful for!

Luke 17:19 why would Jesus say this to the one guy that came back? Did the other nine not get healed? Jesus says you don't just get a physical healing you get a spiritual one as well! The samaritans gratitude healed and made him well spiritually!

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Sunday, November 5, 2017

Making every effort!

Making every effort!

What is it to make every effort? What goes into "making every effort"?

Ephesians 4:1-3

Why did Paul say keep the unity? Is unity natural? It takes a constant effort to be unified! In order to have unity we must be prisoners of the Lord. Think about that? In prison you don't call the shots. You eat when they says it's time to eat, you sleep when they say you can sleep...etc.

What is your biggest struggle? Patience, humility, gentleness? What efforts are you making to overcome that struggle? What is God calling you to make more effort in?

Jesus is the reason we are unified! Jesus is the complete example of patience, humility, and gentleness. Unity provides a strength that you can provide on your own.

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Church Building

The Church Building

Throughout the bible God has had special places of worship and special places of significance that gave a physical presence for God! For example, Genesis 26:16-18, Exodus 3:4-5. God is everywhere and yet some places are considered holy ground. There a places where you can go and feel the presences of God more freely, or a place where thousands of people chose to repent before you! Leviticus 16:3, 2 Chronicles 3:8.

Luke 17:20-21 Jesus recognized that God was not a physical being that is trapped in one location or another but that is all omnipotent! Even though God built holy places several times. Unlike God we do live in a physical word and God knows the importance of the visual and physical world and what how it matters to us.

Psalms 16:1-8 "a miktam" which basically means a treasure or a jewel. Several psalms are denoted as a miktam and this is one of the. Why? It's a beautiful song and poem that expresses David's heart! God is David's refuge! Two things that stand out. "Part from you I have nothing" and "in who is all my delight". David wrote these verses in very tough times when he was persecuted and facing death everyday!

Apart from God nothing is good! How is this be true for you? Many things are good but without God we view them as not as good! We value God above everything and having God makes any circumstances good. Apart from God we should not want any good thing!

What do you most delight in about God? Do you delight in the things that God delights in? Do you delight in Gods people? Do you look at the church, the bride of Christ, and delight in it or do you view the church with skepticism or criticism in your heart?
Learn to love what God loves!

Psalms 16:9-11, Acts 2:29-33 David traditional,y was not a prophet and yet because of the out poring of emotion to God and the great-full heart that David had for God and what he had done for him; David prophesied about the coming of Jesus.

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