God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, October 30, 2017

All In!

All In!

All in for Jesus because he was "all in" for us! How do we hold back? Do we just follow the rules or pour out our hearts? Are we giving up everything or holding on to a few things? Being all in means everything is about Jesus and he is Lord of all!

Luke 9:23 how are we at carrying our cross daily? It is a privilege to carry our cross and participate with Jesus in his sacrifice!

This is only a test. Genesis 22:1-2;12-16 God test us at time to see whether we are "all in" or not! Abraham was blessed without measure because he was proven to be "all in"! God uses these test to refine our faith. To make us stronger. To prepare us for future challenges...etc

What do you find your security in? That is your test. That is your Isaac and until you are willing to put it on the altar you will never be "All In"!

How many years have you been a Christian? How many years of growth have you had or have you repeated the same year over and over again multiple times without growing? Being "all in" leads to growth. If God did not test us we would not have a testimony. Testimonies are powerful because we are tested and through Jesus we prevail and pass the test!

2 Kings 19:19-21 Elisha had no plan B. He said good by to his old life and was fully committed to following Elijah. Are you "all In"? What do you need to sacrifice and burn? Retreat is not an option when you are "all in". Turning back is not an option.

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The Church Building

The Church Building

Throughout the bible God has had special places of worship and special places of significance that gave a physical presence for God! For example, Genesis 26:16-18, Exodus 3:4-5. God is everywhere and yet some places are considered holy ground. There a places where you can go and feel the presences of God more freely, or a place where thousands of people chose to repent before you! Leviticus 16:3, 2 Chronicles 3:8.

Luke 17:20-21 Jesus recognized that God was not a physical being that is trapped in one location or another but that is all omnipotent! Even though God built holy places several times. Unlike God we do live in a physical word and God knows the importance of the visual and physical world and what how it matters to us.

Psalms 16:1-8 "a miktam" which basically means a treasure or a jewel. Several psalms are denoted as a miktam and this is one of the. Why? It's a beautiful song and poem that expresses David's heart! God is David's refuge! Two things that stand out. "Part from you I have nothing" and "in who is all my delight". David wrote these verses in very tough times when he was persecuted and facing death everyday!

Apart from God nothing is good! How is this be true for you? Many things are good but without God we view them as not as good! We value God above everything and having God makes any circumstances good. Apart from God we should not want any good thing!

What do you most delight in about God? Do you delight in the things that God delights in? Do you delight in Gods people? Do you look at the church, the bride of Christ, and delight in it or do you view the church with skepticism or criticism in your heart?
Learn to love what God loves!

Psalms 16:9-11, Acts 2:29-33 David traditional,y was not a prophet and yet because of the out poring of emotion to God and the great-full heart that David had for God and what he had done for him; David prophesied about the coming of Jesus.

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Sunday, October 15, 2017

I believe in God, but...not the christian God

I believe in God, but...not the christian God

Why would someone have this question? It starts with who is God? If God isn't a being with emotions like joy and pain then all paths can equally lead to him. A God like that cannot have a personal interest in your life. God is not just an entity.

Exodus 34:6-7 God is a being. A being that can be described. Full of passion and zeal. Full of emotion!
Romans 12:2 God posses a will. He has desires and a will that he wants done. Our world tries to mold into something that does not please God. The world presses in on us and intends to mold us into a pattern that goes against Gods will! The world wants us to think like it does. To solve problems the way the world does.

When you love God with all your heart you love the truth! John 14:6 we don't get to define what truth is. God did it already! We cannot define what love is either! 1 John 5:3. We don't get to define God by the pre eland thought of the day! James 1:17

Jesus is different! Jesus is not like any other prophet or religion. He is not just a good moral teacher! He is either a lunatic or he is what he says he is, the son of God! You don't claim to be the son of God and not either be true or a mad man.

When Gods plan was revealed to man without a parable and presented without mystery, mans reaction was to oppose it! Man could not have made up a story like this. It goes against our nature. To have an all powerful God who would chose to save is by suffering and i.e. ing for us. It makes no sense to man! Matthew 16:21-22 John 3:16

Grace and mercy are unique to Christianity. Every other man made religion has some element of good out weighing bad because that is how we think. When you do good you fill good about yourself and when you do something bad you feel unworthy. Grace and mercy says something different! Ephesians 2:8-9; Psalms 32:1-2; Romans 4:7-8

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

James 1:19-21

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."
‭‭James‬ ‭1:19-21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

- Quick to listen and slow to speak! This goes against our very nature. We want to be heard and we worry that our point of view will over looked. We quarrel and fight because we refuse to take the time to listen.

- Slow to speak and slow to become angry! The more we refuse to listen and the more we speak the more we become angry. Controlling your temper starts with making a decision to listen and showing restraint when we want to speak! When we reach the point of anger it does not matter what we have said our point is lost!

- Our motivation should be to please God and we cannot please him with pride and anger in our hearts! Human anger only produces unrighteous behavior that opposes God. God desire humility.

- Humility is an effective tool for helping communication! Humility comes when we chose to get rid of the things that keep us from being righteous. Moral filth and evil desires will always lead to selfishness and pride. Moral filth and evil desires are all around us and apart of everyday life. We have to reject consciously reject them and replace them with the word of God!

- Left to our selves we are destined to be prideful angry people who never listen and are unable to please God! We can only be saved through Gods word! Being quick to listen starts with first listening to Gods word and humbly accepting his Word! Gods word = Salvation!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

I Believe in God but...does he believe in me?

I Believe in God but...does he believe in me?

Does a big giant God believe in someone as small as me? Sometimes we question God in those terms based on the vast creation that he has created. How can a God who has existed for eternity and spans over an entire universe be interested or even notice us individually. Why would a God who all powerful and unmeasurable care about me?

Reasons we come up with...God doesn't believe in me because he is angry at my sin.

Genesis 4:2-8 God corrects Cain and Cain does not like to be corrected. Cain is left with a feeling of not being beloved in because God corrected him and God rejected his offering. To God correction is not a big thing and he does not respond in anger. To us correction is a bad thing and we respond with anger.

Reasons...God doesn't believe in me because I don't really matter to him. This is true in the world. Our world teaches us that unless your important you don't matter.

Judges 6:11-16

Gideon beloved that God was the God of Israel but had a hard time believing that God was also the God of Gideon. He had a hard time seeing that God beloved in him!

Reasons...God doesn't believe in me because I make too many mistakes. We believe that Gods patience with us runs out. There is truth to that and we will all be judged at some point; however we try to limit God patience to human limitations. Our patience runs out very quickly. Gods patience with us is beyond our understanding!

Luke 5:8-11 Peter felt like this. He recognized how bad he was in sight of God. He got over it and believed that God believed in him. Peter made many mistakes. Some small and some really big mistakes. Even betraying Jesus to his face and yet God forgave and restored their relationship. God gave Peter the keys to the kingdom!

John 21:2-3 Jesus showed Peter that even after you betrayed in Him and denied him that he still believes in you. Even after you make the biggest mistake in your life God still believes in you. And when you make a bigger mistake after that, God still believes in you!

Satan works so hard to convince us otherwise! But God works even harder to show us how much he believes in us!

Romans 5:6!

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Righteous Men

The letters from Paul to Timothy were basically about how to be a righteous young man and lead Gods people and being a man in His church.

2 Timothy 2:14-15

Why is it important that we remind and warn each other? Because we forget. We need to be reminded that God is faithful, sin has consequences and many other things that keep us from being what God calls us to be! Paul charged Timothy to present himself as one approved by God and who correctly handles the truth! What does being a Workman mean? Much more than just a worker. A workman is a skilled laborer who has been trained and has become skilled in his trade.

How do you need to be more of a workman (learning and training) before you are presented to God as one approved? Skilled in Gods word. In leading my family. In avoiding the pitfalls of life. In humility. In loving unconditional...etc
Correctly handling the word of truth is for filled in several parts. Knowing the scripture, applying it to your own life and teaching it to others!

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