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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Best sermon every -- Sermon on the mount!

Best sermon every -- Sermon on the mount!

Matthew 7:28-29

It was not just Jesus words that made it the best sermon ever. It was his life behind those words that set him apart. He talked about real issues of the day that were current and relevant. Jesus spoke on the law and connected the actions of the law with what God wanted to produce in our hearts! He defined Gods intent with the law!

Jesus talked about salvation and who would be saved! Jesus's salvation was a new concept for the Jews. Prior to Jesus teaching the only way to obtain salvation was to be born a Jew. Jesus opened salvation to the entire world.

Matthew 7:13-14

Salvation was opened up to the entire world and yet only a few will find salvation. There is only one road or another. Many of us don't intentionally turn off the road to salvation but many of us make a 1 degree turn that is barely noticeable. 1 degree off of flush over 10 years becomes a 90 degree turn. Either your on the path or not. There is no alternate route regardless of how close you are to the path.

Matthew 12:33

There is no need to argue or speculate who is on the rights path or not. By their fruit you will know who is a disciple of Jesus and who is not! Your can argue doctrine but you cannot argue a changed life that has been impacted by Jesus! If your bearing bad fruit you are not apart of the good tree! That's a hard teaching to accept.

Matthew 7:21-22

Not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will be saved! Jesus is Lord is the most powerful statement we can make and yet just saying it will not bring salvation. Many people who are religious are not going to make it. Been religious is not Gods standard.

Matthew 7:24-25

Everyone who puts these words of mine into practice will be saved! Words that lead to action! The Jews were know for knowing Gods word and yet many of them had hearts and actions that were far from it! We have to be willing to put every word into practice. This should be our life long goal as a disciple of Jesus!

It's not about how good of a builder you are, it's about what you are building on! What is your foundation? What are you building your house on? Life is going to happen no matter what you build on. Building on the rock does not keep you from facing trials and hardships, but it will give you the foundation to whether any storm!

Sent from my iPad

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