God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sent - Just Like Us

Sent - Just Like Us

The demon possessed man was sent by Jesus. We are all sent. We may not be sent around the world or sent to save a nation. Most of us have just been sent to displays Gods power to the people around us. The demon possessed man was changed by Jesus and was sent to testify the miracle that Jesus did in His life!

Mark 5:1-20

Just like us -- he was saved by Jesus. This man was tormented and self destructive! What torments you? What destructive behavior has plagued your life before coming in contact with Jesus. What behavior is still tormenting you today that Jesus needs to cast out?

Just like us -- he wanted to do something great for Jesus. When we are saved and when we see the depth to which we have been rescued, we are motivated to do something great for God! Have you forgotten the former life you lived without Jesus? Do you remember the path of destruction that you were on?

Just like us -- Jesus had big plans for him. He wasn't allowed to go with Jesus. He wasn't sent to some foreign land. He was sent with some big mission to save the world. He was sent to his home town. To witness to his friends and family! Jesus told him to just tell others what God had done for him! This was no small mission!

Mark 5:19

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sent - The Church

Sent - The Church

Acts 11:25-26; 13:1-6; 14:21-22;26-28

God send his church individually and collectively so that the gospel can be known. The Holy Spirit guides us for that purpose. Gods will is to use his church to spread his word to the ends of the earth!

A church must mature in order to be sent. A church is planted and is filled with new Christians. Spiritual maturity is vital for the church to be health and grow. The church's purpose is to mature and grow for the purpose of planting another church. Are you doing everything you can do to help the church mature?! The church also equips every saint and believer to be able to contribute to the mission. As a church we should never be content and should always be eager to grow!

A mature church must send! Paul and Barnabas were sent. When a mature church sends out a mission team it is exciting. It's inspirational! Who will be next? Will it be you? Are you growing in your spiritual maturity for the purpose of helping lead and plant a new church? Our hearts should always be focused on being sent.

Those that don't go still must be sent! Where ever you are you have a mission field. Your neighborhood, your job, your family, your inner circle of friends...etc. Maybe your not sent afar but your missionary work and spiritual maturity is the same! Your sent to serve regardless of where you are. Inside the church and outside the church. Matthew 28:18-20

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Storing up treasures!

Storing up treasures!

What matters most in my life? What would I give up anything for? This is an awesome important question! A question God wants answers in each one of us.

Matthew 6:19-23

What treasure am I storing up? Worldly treasures or heavenly ones? Am I chasing after the wrong things? Our pursuit of happiness can lead us astray. There are so many things in this world that promise happiness and yet they will never deliver! My focus should be heavenly things.

Storing treasure in heaven is a decisions. What we put our treasures in are intentional. We have to decide to focus on the right things.

You cannot serve two masters! Investing in Heaven is the only secure investment.

How I live my life shows where my treasures are. My life and not my words answers this question!

Matthew 6:25-32

Jesus calls us not to run after your basic human needs! He wants to supply them for us! God knows what we need and he want us to be

Matthew 6:33-34

Seeking first Gods kingdom is to rely
On God for our basic needs.