God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, August 9, 2016



Joshua 1:1-9

Be strong and courageous! God calls us to lead in this way. With God their is no room for fear. God promises that he will be with us and never forsake us. What is their to fear? God is with us!!

God tells Joshua over and over again to be strong and courageous. God chose Joshua for a specific purpose! God has a specific purpose for me too. Like Joshua, God want me to strong and courageous in living out my purpose. God wants me to succeed. There should be no fear of failure! Deuteronomy 31:32

Because of his faith, Joshua became a dreamer. God wants us to dream big and trust him that he will deliver us.

Numbers 14:6-9 Joshua saw God and the power he has to overcome any obstacle. Do I see the obstacles in front of me and shrink back or do I see what God is going to do to those obstacles? God wants us to see opportunities and not obstacles.

God wants me to be a dreamer and a warrior!

Exodus 17:8-10 it's great to be a dreamer, but without action a dream is dead. Moses chose Joshua to lead and be the warrior to lead the Israelites into battle! Am I a warrior against the sin in my life? Would I be chosen to lead the battle? We have to be warriors for the lord! We have to be willing to fight for what's right!

The battle in exodus was a small battle and was not the big battle that God was preparing him for. You don't just be some a great warrior with out training. God is training us! Every challenge, even the little ones, God uses to train us!

Take a stand.

Joshua 24:14-15

We have to take a stand daily. We can't rely on the things we've done for God in the past. Are you taking a stand today. Joshua took a stand for God at the end of his life the same way he took a stand in his earlier life! God is not done doing miracles in my life. I have to be willing to dream, fight, and take a stand!

It's all about God. It's not about me. It's not about my strengths and weaknesses. It is All about God!

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