God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lesson from Abel

Lesson from Abel

Genesis 4:2-7

Vs 3 in the course of time...why? Did Cain take time to get a heart to want to give?

When you pick fruit at the grocery store what do you do? What would the first fruits look like? What was Cain giving God?

Vs 4 Abel also brought an offering. Both were giving to God on some level. Is making an offering enough?

What was Abel offering God?

In what ways do we give God less than our best?

What does it look like to give good our first fruits?

Vs 6 Why would Cain be angry? Jealous or upset that his offering wasn't good enough?

Sometimes we set limits on how much we give of our lives to God and when God doesn't look on us with favor we get angry and resentful towards Him.

Maybe Cain thought that what he was giving should have been enough?

Vs 7 "just do what is right"...seems too simple? What is God telling Cain here? There is a connection between allowing sin to master us and not giving to God. The offering we bring to God exposes where our hearts are.

In what ways do you need to offer God more?

Moses: Man of faith!

Moses: Man of faith!

Imaging your an Israelite and you hear this... Exodus 1:22...imagine your were expecting a child and had no idea if it was going to be a boy or a girl?

Hebrews 11:23 By faith Moses's family hid him. By faith they sent down a river and trusted God that he would take care of Moses.

Hebrews 11:25 by faith Moses chose to with his people. He sacrificed the life he could have had and was offered to him. Hebrews 11:26-27

Moses parents deliberately went against the king of Egypt and taught owes to value Gods will for his life instead of following the edicts of a king who was opposed to God!

Moses learned to have great faith through his parents and their example!

Exodus 2:11-12 Moses became a murder and a marked man. Acts 7:25 over night Moses became a fugitive. An outlaw to the Egyptians and despised by the Israelites. He did not yet become the leader that he thought Israel would embrace.

Exodus 2:23 Mose wondered during this time for forty years as a shepherd. With no purpose I'm his life. He had never become the leader of Egypt like he had thought.

Exodus 3:7-10 Moses probably thought God was done using him. He thought his best days where be hind him but God had great plans for his life. It was not Gods timing earlier and now Moses was in the moment where God was about to use him!

God had a job Taylor made for Moses. Moses was wondering in the desert and had lost his dream of helping his people. God had a plan all the while and was ready to use him. God used that time in the desert to teach Moses and mold him into the man that he needed to be!

Moses caught a glimpse of Gods power in the burning bush. Moses allowed God to use him and rescued Israel with all power!

The Israelites did nothing but complaining and argue with Moses. God wanted to destroy Israel and Moses stood up for Israel and begged God not to destroy them!

God listens to man...how awesome is that that the most high, almighty God considers mans thoughts and concerns!

Moses spent days with God on the mountain and came down in full glory of God! How hard am I wrestling with God to know and be filled with Gods glory? Moses face was radiant! All Israel knew that Moses had spent time in Gods presence!

Hebrews 11:6 God rewards those who earnestly seek him! Am I seeking God the way that I should? Am I readying and praying everyday?!

Matthew 7:7 I need to look and seek God in every area of my life!

Let's get away!

Let's get away!

Song of Songs 7:11-12

This book talks a lot about getting away. We need to disconnect from cell phones, tv, the world around us and spend time connecting with my wife emotionally, spiritually and of course physically!

Song of Songs 1:15-16

I need to compliment my wife daily!! This book talks a lot about complimenting each other. The world tears people down. There is no compliments. We need to build one another up in love and encourage!

Song of Songs 4:16

The bible talks about preparing to be together. The phone call during the middle of the day. The small kiss when you get home. Embracing!

Song of Songs 2:16; 6:3; 7:10

I need to focus on my wife! She is mine! This is exclusive, there is no one else! Surrender and submission come and increases a persons desire for you!

Proverbs 5:18-19 Ecclesiastes 9:9

Song of Songs 5:16

God designed marriage to be a friendship! My wife is my best friend.

Sing to my wife this week. Write a poem to my wife this month.

Song of Songs 8:6-7

Love is a powerful emotion! I need to unleash my love and never hold it back!

Hall of fame

Hall of fame

There is a hall of fame for almost everything! Hall of fame acknowledges the best of the best! It's an honor to be admitted to a hall of fame.

Hebrews 11 - the hall of fame of faith! What would it take to be in this hall of fame? They were not chosen for being perfect. Many of these people of faith did many things wrong but they were all noted as men and women of action!

What is faith?

Hebrews 11:1-2

God's definition of Faith is paradoxical. Hope implies an uncertainty and yet faith requires us to hope with complete certainty! Confidence!

What faith is not!

Faith is not emotional. Faith isn't unprovable. Faith isn't a feeling in the moment. Faith is not some magical force and yet it is a powerful force! Faith is not just a belief. Faith is when you take action. True Faith requires action! A leap of faith!

Hebrews 11:3

To try and understand faith every culture and society has tried to explain creation. God did not make stuff out of other stuff. God created the universe out of nothing! Faith is the only option to believe. Faith is believing before it is proven!

Able gave to God without any proof that it was the right thing to do. We know today through scripture that giving is a healthy thing for us to do. Giving molds our hearts and builds our character.

Hebrews 11:7

Living in the desert Noah be lived in what seemed completely absurd. Through faith he took action and was obedient! Noah acted on faith before the first drops of water came. Before the prof came, Noah acted on faith!

Faith for these mean was a confidence and assurance for things that had not been proving yet.

Heaven is real and so is hell although we cannot prove it yet! What should our lives look like if we live by faith? We need to have a standard that goes far beyond what we can see and prove!

How, where, and when do I obey God?

How...in the way I want or the way God demands?
Where...at church on Sunday or everyday of the week?
When...when I eel blessed by God or even in hard times?

Having faith in the cross calls me to love and obey God completely! Jesus in faith offered himself for me before I could even prove that I would change and live for him!

Walking by faith!

Walking by faith!

Hebrews 11:32 and the prophets...who shut the mouths of lions (reference to Daniel)

Daniel was a man of faith and walked by faith even in the little things in his life!

Ezekiel 14:12-14 Daniel was listed in the new testimate as a hero of faith and in the old testimate he was listed as a man of righteousness!

Daniel was an alien in a foreign land. He was one of the first exiles to Babylon! Daniel was the outsider.

Daniel 1:1-7 Daniel was carried off to Babylon at a young age. Daniel was selected to be a slave in the Kings palace. The Babylonians tried to give him a new identity. They changed his name, taught him Babylonian culture and tried to erase his God and replace it with their pagan God!

Who could blame Daniel for adapting or conforming to the world around him? He could have compromised and thought God was not there for him. He could have blamed Gods people and struggled with resentment and bitterness towards God!

Daniel 1:8-14 the Babylonians did not try to conform Daniel by presenting him with big things. It was just food. They were not asking him to bow down to another God or sacrifice a baby...etc. Daniel refused to compromise even the small commandments! Satan tempts us in the same way. He gets us to compromise on the little things and erodes our convictions away a little bit at a time!

Every small compromise I make in my relationship with God ( not having my quit times, missing church, not being open about my sins....etc) gives Satan more and more ground in my life attack me from and reach deeper parts of my life!

Daniel had faith when things were hard which allowed him to have faith when things were even harder!

Daniel 6:1-24 Daniel was brought to Babylon when he was around 16 and hear he is an old man around 60-70 yrs old.

Vs 10 Daniel went home immediately to pray! Daniel would not compromise when came to his food and now he was not going to compromise even when his life was at stake! God delivered and rescued Daniel because of his righteousness!

The king was not able to sleep and it says nothing about Daniel have a rough nights sleep even though he was among lions...lol Daniel did not have a hard night in the Lions den! When I stay close to God and I trust my self to God there is true peace and comfort even in the toughest challenges that I may face!

Daniel says that God found him innocent and saved him! Am I living a life of conviction the way Daniel did! Daniel could have prayed in silence. What if he just hid who he was for 30 days? For Daniel to do that would be to compromise! I know what is right and I need to have the same resolve to never compromise!!!

As faithful as Daniel was to God, God was even more faithful to Daniel! God is always at work, providing a way out and rescuing the righteous!