God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, June 24, 2014



Everyone needs to be leaders in some way. We should be actively thinking of ways to lead and serve.

What does it mean to be a leader and who should we be leading? The role of leadership is spelled in the bible and defined as a servant.

We should be leading our families, co workers, friends wives...etc in the way God defined it!

Hebrews 13:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16

God has equipped us with everything we need to be the leaders he has called us to be!

Leading at home....Ephesians 5:22-33; 6:1-3

Leading outside the home....Philippians 2:14-16

Jesus calls us to live a sacrificial life in every area.

How To be like Jesus to for fill these roles of leadership that God has called us to. How do we show the world the love of Christ through our lives?

2 Timothy 3:16-17

The bible will help us make decisions that will lead us to be like Jesus. We need to be in Gods word in order to know how to be like Jesus.

Hebrews 10:23-26

We need each other's help in for filling the roles of leadership God has giving us. We need to spur one another on and call each other higher!

When we spur each other on we are being concerned for each other. We need to also correct each other when we see sin in our lives. We have to be humble enough to allow correction so that we can benefit from it!

We need to set examples for others to look to and follow. Leading by example!

Hebrews 10:25

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jesus will fix it!!

> Jesus will fix it!!
> Jesus knows exactly who I am!
> Can Jesus really fix what's going on in my life?
> John 5
> Heb 1
> Jesus has given us everything we need to overcome!
> Two kinda of people! The ones that understand their need for Jesus and the ones that don't.
> I have to put my self in a place where I can let Jesus help me.
> John 5:4
> This man put himself in the right place... Jesus asks him, "do you want to get healed?"
> It wasn't until he made that connection with Jesus!
> Just because we are believers and worship, doesn't mean we will be healed. It isn't until we connect with Jesus that we can be healed!
> Jesus tells me what to do sometimes and I don't listen/obey, therefore I don't heal.
> Stop sinning!! Things get worse when we don't stop.
> Stop the pride, the anger, impure thoughts, etc!
> I can take Jesus' message as someone who needs Jesus, or someone who doesn't want anything to do with him.
> Jesus has work to do with me; there is work to be done!
> • Understand the relationship that God and Jesus have.
> If we think we have it all together and don't need him: my intellect is overshadowed my personal relationship with Jesus/my need for Him.
> If my opinion holds more weight than Jesus, it's worse.
> Do I have a "prove" it to me mind set?
> If there's anything I have in my life that I feel restricted by, then I need to come to Jesus.
> I desperately need Jesus.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014



God doesn't require a talented singer or speaker for worship. He requires a willing heart that wants to worship and praise him!

When we sing songs to worship God, everyone should be lifting theirs voices and not just a few in the audience or on stage.

God had a heart for music. The whole book of psalms is a book of songs that were written to God!

Worship songs are used to stir our hearts. Music has that effect on us and it is good for us spiritually to cry out to God in song!

There are songs written by God all over the old testimate!

James 5:13; Revelations 5:9; 15:3; Ezekiel 33:30-32;



Your life was not your own...you were bought and paid for at a price. The medium of exchange for your life was Jesus blood

As disciples we need to wave the white flag everyday not just when we are cornered. Surrender through the world is usually by force. Through god our surrender should be voluntary.

He entrusted him self to him who judges justly.

I need to Surrender in my marriage, job, dating, finances, parenting....every aspect of my life!

What are you refusing to surrender?

We only have two choices God or satan. We either surrender to our own sinful natures or to God.




Baptized April 7, 1991, married for 20 years, three beautiful girls! Only by the grace of God!


What does the cross mean to me? 2nd chances!

Share about...

Walking away from God. Destroying my marriage.
Being impatient with my girls.
Short with my wife.

God is a God of second chances...third chances....4th chances....etc. As long as we choose to repent and strive to be different, God says "clean the slate...start over!"

2 Corinthians 5:14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Father's Day

Father's Day

Father's Day can be a difficult time for some. Fathers come in many different forms. Some of us have very bad memories of our fathers or no memories at all.

The bible is filled with examples of fathers who had faith but we're not able to pass the convictions on to their children. The bibles filled with many examples of bad fathers and children that despised their fathers.

God defines the word father for us and he adores the father son relationship. He wants us to call him father. When God chooses to define himself he does it with the word father!

Father is who God is on a the simplest and most basic level. God has been the father for us that our earthly fathers could never be.

Genesis 4:1-8

The first father and sons in the bible. Adam has one role in this scripture....he laid with his wife. As Cain and Abel try to resolve their problems, Adam is absent. Adam could have been an uninvolved fathers.

God is not an uninvolved father. God is right there with us always. He is always involved in our lives and wants to hear from us and have a relationship with him!

James 4:8

Genesis 7:11-13

Noah made sure his kids and their wives were saved. Noah had a radical message about flooding in the desert and he was able to convince his children to listen to him. Noah had influence on his children. You can't have influence on your children without time invested!

1 Timothy 2:3

Genesis 22:1-3

Abraham taught his son how to sacrifice to The Lord. Abraham taught his son about being obedient to God even when you have to make tough decisions that do not make sense.

In the same way God teaches us through suffering and hard times. Through real life situations.

Acts 17:24-27

Genesis 25:24-28

Isaac was a father who played favorites. He liked Esau more because of who he was. God does not have a favorite. No kore who we are or what type of personality we have God loves each of us just as much!

Deuteronomy 26:18-19

I am Gods treasured possession, I am his favorite with out showing favoritism!

Genesis 27:27-29; 36-40;

There was no need to Isaac to give all his blessing to one son. He could have blessed both but he choose to play favorites.

Genesis 49

Until Jacob blesses all twelve sons there was only one line of gods people. Now Jacob becomes Israel and blessed all his sons and all their sons and daughters become Gods people.

Celebrate today that God is the perfect father and he wants a relationship with me!