God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fwd: The God of the small and big problems.

The God of the small and big problems.

2 Kings 6:1-7; 8-23; 24-7:2

Questions the Israelites had after being exiled. Am I still forgiven? Does God still Love us? Are we Gods people? Do we still have a relationship? What does God want from us now?...etc

Elisha use a miracle to solve a problem that for us seemed insignificant but to the guy who lost the axe, it was a huge problem!

God is the everyday, even in small things; all powerful God!

Regardless of how small we think a problem is we need to rely on God with it! When we do things on our own and we succeed we are training ourselves to do things on our own and when bigger problems come we try to do those things as well and before we know we are doing everything on our own strength and God is out of the picture!

When the big problems come do we believe that God is bigger?!

I need to rely on God in EVERYTHING!!!

Vs 24-31 we tend to blame God for our big problems.

Right in the hour of their greatest need when they needed God the most they turned their back on God and he was only one day a way from providing a miracle.

Complete and total deliverance was only a day away!

Trusting God in the small problems helps us trust God in the tough problems!

2 kings 7:9 today is a day of good news! God is big enough! God can solve all my problems big and small! Who am I sharing this with?

Fwd: The pain of not reconciling!

The pain of not reconciling!

2 Samuel 14:13-15; 2 Corinthians 5:13-21

Reconciliation is so important to god! As a disciple I am an ambassador to Gods reconciliation! Our children learn how to reconcile conflict from us. They need to be taught by me to learn how to reconcile conflicts. With out reconciliation the heart hardens!

Ephesians 4:26 there needs to be urgency in conflict resolutions!

2 Samuel 14:33 physical touch is important in the reconciliation process!

I'm sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you and I love! This is reconciling! Reaffirmation is such an important part of reconciliation. Reconciliation is not complete unless both parties are ready to reaffirm the relationship.

David was a bad example of reconciliation but we have Jesus as our example and he is the ultimate example of reconciliation!

Fwd: The pain of avoiding conflict!

The pain of avoiding conflict!

Avoiding conflict starts with conflict.

2 Samuel 6:5, 16, 20-23

Because of avoiding conflict david and his wife had no children together.

2 Samuel 13

Not dealing with sin is avoiding conflict.

David's sons were in conflict and David does not deal with it. One of David's sons rapes his daughter and David does nothing. As a result one of David's son kills another son! Not dealing with conflict breads sin and destruction!

Initially it is easier to avoid conflict but in the long run it is harder to deal with. Conflict is seasonal and recurring! When we are in the season of conflict we need to follow it through until the end of it! God gave his people times of war and times of peace! If conflicts are not passing then we need to seek help!

Dealing with conflict is beneficial. David did not deal with conflict and just passed it on to his children. David gave instructions to his son Solomon to kill all the people that he had issues with! Instead of dealing with his problems on his own he handed his son Solomon a hit list to have him deal with the conflict.

How am I avoiding conflict in my marriage? What about with my kids?

Fwd: The pain of avoiding discipline!

The pain of avoiding discipline!

Job 5:17; Psalms 94; Proverbs 3:11-13; Proverbs 5; Proverbs 12:1; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 13:24

Hebrews 12:4-13

Discipline is for Gods people! Inside the kingdom of God there is discipline! God is my legitimate father and has the right to discipline me! As a Christian we cannot avoid discipline. I need Gods discipline to grow. My job is to endure Gods discipline, not run away from it!

God does not discipline us out of anger but out of love! God disciplines us so that we can share in Gods holiness! Discipline is not meant to be pleasant. I need to work at this so that I can strength in my weak and feeble knees!

Fwd: At the time that kings go to war!

At the time that kings go to war!

I am in a battle! A war! A spiritual war and the stakes are high! My family is at stake. The ruler of the world (Satan) has declared war on my family!

2 Samuel 11:1-27

David stayed home and chose not to go in to battle. When you stop fighting is when satan attacks! As a husband and father we can learn some strong things about David's life!

When David should have been leading his army in battle he was passive and let Joan do the job God had given to him!

The 3 N's


Neglecting my family comes in many forms but most of all is when I stop investing and put the time in for my marriage and family. Meeting my wife's needs. Being there for my kids. Neglect spiritually by not reading Gods word and not leading my family spiritually.


Not caring, no concerns, out of touch and with no desire! Lack of conviction! I need to fight for my wife and stand up to her with convictions to protect her. My kids need emotional connection and I can not allow my self to be unemotional and unconnected!


Being naive and not seeing the spiritual struggle that my family is in! I am called to be different from the world and to lead my family to be different from the world. I have to be in touch with where my family is at spiritually!

As a father I am accountable to God for the influence he has given me over my wife and kids!

Fwd: Spiritual growth

Spiritual growth

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:14-15

Spiritual maturity is obtained by finding out what gifts I have, where I'm needed and how I can serve in using them.

What gifts has God giving me? How am I using them?

Mark 1:19-20; Mark 3:17 ;Luke 9:51-56; John 19:25-27 Johns life transformed!

John wrote about love more than all the other gospels. No where in the bible does the topic love come up more than in the books of John!

1 John 3:16

John was made a passionate man, but god made him a compassionate man.