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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Bible, Church and the Koran

Common question regarding the Bible, Church and the Koran:

  1. How do we know who is right and which doctrine is from the one true God? Christians believe that the bible is "God Inspired". Meaning that God spoke to the prophets, and apostles and directed them on what to write.
  2. Who's to say that the Muslims are wrong because they believed that their God inspired Mohammad to write the Koran? What if it's the same God? Is it? How do you know which "Bible" is correct?
  3. When people study the bible they all have different opinions and interpretations on what they are reading. Who decides which one is right if they all follow the word of God but just understand it differently?
  4. Is it that important which church I attend since they are all reading from the same bible?

Let me just start by addressing the most obvious, Jesus is the son of God, our Savior;  the Koran is not from God because they do not acknowledge/view Him as the Son, the Savior, the Muslims' view of Jesus is that he was a mere prophet, they also condone bigotry against any one who does not believe the same; therefore it does not align with ANYTHING in the Bible... As a Christian I vowed to make Jesus Lord, not Mohammad. There are numerous scriptures in the Bible about Jesus being the son of God, so I wont even attempt to quote them... and it does take faith to believe that the Bible is telling the truth regarding this matter. But if I am a Christian/Disciple/Follower of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, than I should have this fundamental faith.

Regarding interpretation of the Bible, the Bible is not up for interpretation... 2Pet 1:20-21, 2 Tim 3:16-17, etc. While there are things that the Bible leaves up to us/our heart/conscience/does it benefit one spiritually?, 1 Cor 10:23 "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial"; there are, however, solid scriptures, that if read in context, are very specific about salvation.

Regarding going to church/where, it only gives us examples of what the church should look like, all the scriptures we have shared with you regarding this matter, perhaps also take some time to review?... does it matter? Absolutely, to me that is... why? because if I want what is beneficial  for my spiritual walk with God, I choose to be part of a group that has deep convictions about salvation matters that are not up for interpretation, where brothers and sisters are living out Acts 2 (example of first century church), where people know me on a personal basis and can help me with my personal struggles or just know where I am so that they can pray for me/me for them, where there is a divine order being encouraged and lived out (God, husband, children, the lost), etc.  John 13:34-35 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." So, than I look at scriptures about love, 1 John 4 which talks about this love and how important it is, 1Cor 13: 4-8 which specifies what love according to God looks like. So, where am I gonna go to church? Does it matter? Yes :) ... if I want to grow spiritually and be where the truth is being taught.

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