God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Full Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-20

My thoughts:

I need to be strong in God's mighty power and not trust or rely on my own strength!

Even though I need to put on the full armor of God it is still God's power and strength that saves me and not just a spiritual check list.

The belt of truth...a belt is made to hold a wardrobe together and like wise the rest of the armor is held together by the belt of truth.

Faith is my shield and without faith I have no protection from the my spiritual enemies!

The breast plate of righteousness protects the heart.

In order to be fully protected I need to put on the full armor of God and not just pick and chose which pieces I will accept.

VS. 13 - The day of evil IS coming...it is never a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN! The questions is whether or not I will be spiritually prepared for that day.

VS. 18 - Even when I think I am fully equipped in Gods armor I still need to pray and rely on God for strength!

The Word of God is my Sword and in a battle the sword is used for offense and defense. I need to use Gods word to defend the attacks of the evil one as well as fight back!

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