God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, January 3, 2011

Innocent Of The Blood Of All Men

Two major themes run through the book of Acts. The spreading of the gospel through the Holy Spirit and the reconciliation between the jews and the gentiles through salvation.

Acts 1:6-8

By design God chose people to spread his gospel. The book of Acts chronicles the preaching, teaching and the spreading of the gospel to Jews and Gentiles alike!

Acts 20:17-27

Paul declared himself innocent of the blood of all man because his life was devoted to spreading the gospel!

We need to ask ourselves, are we I innocent of the blood of all men? Does my life prove this to be true? What would motivate me or should motivate me to live a life that would be innocent of the blood of all men?

1 Timothy 1:12-17

Paul's motivation was Gods grace. Paul was reminded daily of where he had come from and to the extent that God saved him. As a result, Paul chose to give up his will for his life and eagerly accepted Gods will, which is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ!

Ezekiel 33:7-9

Jesus was the ultimate example of laying down our lives for our fellow man. Our lives should be about doing Gods will, serving and spreading the gospel and then we will be able to say, I am innocent of the blood of all men!

1 Timothy 2:1-3

God wants all men to be saved and have a relationship with him! As christians we are the vehicle that God has chosen to help advance his kingdom!

Acts 20:28-3

Everything that Paul did in his life was grounded in Gods grace. He constantly thought about he past sins and the grace that God had shown him in his life!

We need to ask our selves,  what is my purpose? Is the purpose of my life all about me and prosperity or other wordly things? Paul's purpose was to seek and save the lost! We need to incorporate evangelism and spreading Gods word into our daily lives. At work, the gym, with friends...etc.

Ezekiel 3:20-21

We need to also stay in each others lives. Have intimate spiritual relationships where we can hold each other accountable and call each other to righteousness. We need to warn each other from sin. God shows no distinction between the one who sinned and the one who did not warn his brother!

The challenge is to be like Paul and be able to claim that we are  innocent of the blood of all men by spreading the gospel of Christ and building spiritual relationships with my brothers and sisters!

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