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Friday, November 26, 2021

Biblical Faith

Biblical Faith

Faith is a fragile thing. We can easily let the cares and struggles of this world to influence our faith! Life is like a seesaw with huge swings from the good to the bad. It can have an impact on our faith and how we see God.

Mark 6:1-6

These people were familiar with Jesus. They new where he came from. They new his family and probably had memories of his life growing up. They had a history with Jesus. There familiarity with Jesus was a source of unbelief for them. Their unbelief affected Jesus ability to performed the miracles he wanted to do!

The longer and longer that i live as a christian i can live a religious life that requires very little faith! We develop spiritual routines that really require no faith because they have become so familiar to us. We need to realize that the actions we take can limit What God will do in our lives!

The amazing thing is that God will do such amazing things through us with the smallest amount of faith! Matthew 17:14

Be excited again to be a disciple! Open your eyes to what God is trying to do with your life and sometimes we need to just get out of the way. Believe that noting is impossible for God!

Sin’s life cycle

Sin's life cycle

"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
‭‭James‬ ‭1:13-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  1. Have you ever blamed God for your temptations?
  2. Why do people blame God when they are tempted?
    1. We really blame God for the sin we commit that came out of the temptation.
    2. Not wanting to take responsibility for our own actions.
  3. What are we saying about God if we blame him? He is evil.
  4. What is the life cycle of Sin described here?
    1. Desire leads to temptation, temptation leads to sin, sin leads to death.
  5. How can we shorten the life cycle?
    1. What can we do about, desire?
    2. What is a desire? What is it and what is it not?
      1. Desire = strong feeling or want
        1. Desires are changeable!
        2. Galatians 5
        3. Take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ!
        4. Rebuke our worldly desires when we identify them
    3. What can we do about temptation?
      1. Are desires and temptations the same?
      2. Enticed definition
      3. Matt 6:13 proactive prayer
      4. 1 Corinthians 10:13 look for a way out.
      5. James 4:7 submit, resist, and flee.
  6. What part of the sin life cycle do you need the most help with?
  7. When is sin full grown as vs 15 talks about?
  8. Desire leads to temptation which leads to sin but it doesn't stop there.
  9. When you allow sin to become full grown it's really not a temptation anymore its a lifestyle.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Mark 1:14-15

Marks starts out his book delivering the truth about the Gospel. The kingdom is here and it should change our life. Our perspective should be different. Our priorities should be different. Each day has meaning now. Our lives have meaning!

What is my life oriented around? Is it the kingdom or something else!

Romans 12:1-2
This is about truth. The world does not offer truth. Following the pattern of the world will not lead you to truth. Laying down your life in worship to God will lead you to his will and the truth in your life!

How to bring truth to your life through teaching?

  1. Reading the bible.
  2. Reading spiritual books.
  3. Sunday teaching.
  4. Spiritual podcast.
  5. Having a spiritual mentor.

We have so many resources today to help learn about God. Knowledge is not enough to be like Jesus. We have change our thoughts and actions!

Matthew 7:24-29

Three practices of a true christian.

  1. Practices based on the lifestyle of Jesus.
  2. Practices based on the teachings of Jesus.
  3. Practices based on the ministry and mission of Jesus.

Think about what you turn to when you are anxious or angry. Replace what ever you turn to with a practice of Jesus!

Sermon on the mount

Sermon on the mount

Matthew 6

  1. Three examples of religion for outward showing: giving , praying and fasting.
  2. The kingdom attitude about material things.
  3. Warning against judging.
  4. Warnings against false prophets.
  5. Obedience.

"When you" is used and not "if you do". There is and expectation that we will give, pray and fast. Jesus is saying when you do these things, have the right motivation and heart. Do them not to be seen but to please and honor God!

Matthew 23:23

Matthew 6:9-15
God is sovereign and can do anything he wants to do but has limited himself by asking us to pray to him and make our request. Our prayers are apart of Gods plan and design! It matters for us to ask God. God has partnered with us in this way!

Treasures in heaven/Do not worry, passage contrasts our needs from our wants. God gives us what we need and not what we want all the time.

Matthew 7