God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Gods plan

Gods plan

Genesis 2 — God walked with us

Genesis 3 & 4 — The fall of man. The first murder.

Genesis 6 —so much wickedness in the world that God grieved that he had made mankind...Genesis 6:5-8

God creates a people unto himself and we read about a 1000 years of God trying to have a relationship with his people.


God sends Jesus

Jesus came to save!
— samaritan woman at the well, scorned and ridiculed. He broke down racial divides and challenged Racism!
— adulterous women, hypocrisy and injustice!
— the lame, the sick, the socially outcast and forgotten.
— the poor and the needy. He broke down economic boundaries.

Jesus suffered the evils of this world!
— ridiculed and rejected
— scorned and beaten
— mocked and tortured
— abandoned!


Why was it unjust! Should have been me!

Our only hope is Jesus!

1 Peter 2:21-25

Hebrews 12:2-3 Focus on Jesus! Do not loose heart!!

God's plan did not end with the cross! It started there! Matthew 28:18-20

Reponding like Jesus

Reponding like Jesus

John 13:1-17

Jesus response is to lower himself and serve. Jesus used his power in this way to set an example for us. Can you imaging any president doing this today? What a contrast to the way our word uses power and authority!

How can we use this example in our world today? Jesus shows us that Roman occupation, The treachery of king Herod, the political turmoil of the day is not what matters! Jesus focused on what matters; people! Serving others through love!

HWJR — "how would Jesus respond" should be the example that we follow!

John 13:12-17

Philippians 2:1-11

We need to get beyond politics and opinions and focus on what Jesus focused on!

James 1:19-20

Identiy theft!

Identiy theft!

Has your identity every been stolen? Mistaken identity? Identify matters. Satan is always going after our spiritual identity.

  • Knowing your identity helps you not compare yourselves to the people around you.
  • It helps you know your purpose.
  • It helps you realize your true value to God!

Luke 3:21-22; Luke 4:1-13
  • God confirmed Jesus identity at his baptism!
  • Satan questioned Jesus identity!
    • That two letter word "if" causes so much doubt and destroys faith!
    • Satans tactics are on full display!
  • How are you? How do you identify yourself? The world wants to classify you by its definition!
    • By politics, race, age, career, sin...
  • Hold on to Gods word and let go of the lies of satan! Never let satan define you by his ifs and buts!
  • Vs 4 man shall not live on earthly things. Gods word was meant to sustain you!
  • Vs 5 Satan has been given this world and the sin that comes with it. He wants to offer you all that the world has to offer in substitute for the glory of the kingdom of God!
  • If your identity is not grounded in God then you will always for Satan's lies and deceptions! Trade the temporary for the eternal!
  • Vs 9 Satan likes to misinterpret scripture. He likes to throw a little truth in his deception! Satan chose to tell this lie from Jerusalem, from the temple, from the highest point as if that meant something to Jesus!
    • Satan took Jesus to church!
    • Our identity has to stay in Gods word and not in a church building or a church leader.
  • Satan left not giving up but to look for another opportunity!

Matthew 27:40-43
  • Satan poses the same question again!
  • How does satan come after you.
  • How are you holding to the truth in Gods word?
  • How is Gods kingdom of peace working in your life?