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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Where God leads He proceeds!

Where God leads He proceeds!

Deuteronomy 31:1-8 be strong and courageous in times of uncertainty!

Frightening Future?

Moses had been there leader for many many years and they had never had another leader. Crossing the Jordon was an uncertain time for the Israelites. Although they were on the crest of the promise land there was uncertainty!

Instead of allowing fear to freeze us we need to trust in God. He will go before us!

Where God leads, He proceeds!

God is a covenant making God and a covenant meeting God! His promises are always true and never fails! When ever I follow God and walk in his steps he is with me every step of the way! God goes before us!

In the New Testament hebrews says that Jesus has gone before us as well. He has went into heaven to prepare a place for us!

Trust in presence of God!

Daniel 10:12-13; 2 Timothy 4:16-17

God is with us and God is delivering clear instructions. We together are a support for each other. God also stands by our side and gives us the strength we need!

God used the name of the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, theGod of Jacob. He always tied his name to people.

Proceed in the peace of the Lord!

What does it mean to be dismayed? Fear is a powerful emotion. We should not ignore our emotions but guide them! The bible never tries to convince us that our fears are unfounded! Moses never told them that there would never be challenges. He simply reminded them that God will be with them through the trials!

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How are we called to respond to events like Covid19?

How are we called to respond to events like Covid19? We should obviously follow CDC guidelines. We should also be called to prayer and seeping our spiritual connections with God! We are called to not be anxious or worry.

Matthew 6:25-34

Anxiety and working has everything to do with our level of faith. We have to focus on the unseen more than the seen. The "seen" for us is the current pandemic. The struggles we are all going through in the interruption of our daily lives. The "unseen" is our spiritual reality.

Do not be anxious!

Jesus says, "therefore" before saying do not be anxious. What is the "therefore"? In Christ, God is our all powerful loving father who can do anything! 1 Peter 5:7 cast all anxiety on God because he cares!

Matthew 6:26,28 how much more does God care about us and value us his children! Only through God is there true scape from anxiety.

Who is our God. Where is God? God is with us! God is there in our good days and our bad days.

Seek first the Kingdom!

Matthew 25:32 our anxieties reveal where our priorities are! When your seeking the kingdom first your hope is in the next life and we invest in our earthly home! The early Christians took these words to heart through very difficult times!

Hebrews 10:32-35

The deeds of Christians in early times when similar crisis where ongoing had a huge impact on the spread of the gospel.

Mathew 10:28

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