God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, February 29, 2020

God wants your best!

God wants your best!

God does not expect perfection. All God wants is for you to try your best! Praise God for his grace and mercy. Hopefully you are not stuck in pattern of trying to achieve perfection. Pursuing perfection is recipe for disaster and dispointment. Trying your best has some consequences as well. The danger is doing what you think is your best. Your opinion of what is your best should not be your standard.

Judges 21:25 everyone does what they think is best. When you live like this your living your life like there is no king! A Christian is someone who absolutely tries to do their best but is not a person who does what THEY think is best!

A Christian is led by the spirit, not by conscience!

James 4:17 this is the greatest value of a Christian conscience. Telling you the good you should be doing. The conscience should not be used to tell you what your doing is not bad.

John 14:16-17 so how do you tell is it the spirit or your conscience talking to you? John 14:15! Does it align with scripture! There will be no disagreement between the spirit and Gods word!

A Christian does what the bible says!

Acts 8:30-35 you cannot obey the bible without knowing what the bible says and you need someone to help teach it to you! Gods word is written in a way that anyone can read it but it was meant to be read and taught comunially!

Search the bible for answer to your questions but not to confirm decisions you have already made!

A Christian seeks the input of other Christians.advice and input should always agree with Gods word. Input is not Devine and should be measured against Gods word!Proverbs 12:15; 24:6; 28:26

Are you living as your own King?

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Dream Home. The purpose of the house.

Dream Home. The purpose of the house.

Marriage is owned by God. Genesis 1:27 God had an intended purpose for marriage that we should display his image!

Genesis 1:26-27

Notice the enfaces on image and unity. Male and female ate made different and it is through those differences that we complete what God was trying to create!

Better together!

Proverbs 31:4; 1 Corinthians 7:34

We are a gift for each other!



Amos 3:3, Numbers 30:1-2

Reflect on Gods mercy. Deuteronomy 4:31; James 3:17-18 when you reflect on how much God has had mercy on you will allow you to show mercy to your spouse!

Words have power. Do you use merciful words in your conversations? Out of the overflow of the mouth the heart speaks!
James 4:1-2

Win the battle of vulnerability instead of the battle to win an argument!

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Dream home. Needs in the home.

Dream home. Needs in the home.

Marriage is both an institution and a divine spiritual union! In the union of marriage is where we get to see God more clearly! There were problems even from the first union God created through Adam and eve!

Ephesians 5:21

My wife has a need that is different than mine and if i neglect that need then i am not submitting out of reverence to christ!

What is my wife's greatest need? God has placed me as her husband to help meet those needs and sometimes you do that through submission to Christ!

Ephesians 5:22-33
This is about christ and the church. Jesus looked down from heaven and saw his church and the churches best effort was like filthy rags. From this perspective Jesus decided to give his life for the church! God has the same expectations for me as a husband for my wife!

Happiness comes and goes. Bad times are coming. But i do have some control over how long the good times or bad times will last.

Sexual faithfulness is more than just about our bodies. Our eyes, emotions and thoughts should be faithful to our wives and to God! Be faithful to the bride that God has given you!

As men we have an inane desire to lay down our lives for our families and God considers that the greatest love of all!

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Dream home. Building with the right tools.

Dream home. Building with the right tools.

Building with the wrong tools breaks what is not broken. Building with the wrong tools can cause a lot of pain. Building with the wrong tools can slow down progress.

Proverbs 24:3-5; 3:13-18 the wisdom that we have at our disposal is Gods word! There is a joy in fulfilling Gods word!

Ephesians 4:29-5:2 this verse is most applicable in our communications with our spouse. Grieving holy spirit when i am filled with bitterness, rage, and anger...ect!

Romans 14:1-3 we are not wrong we are just different. We are different for a good reason, so that we display the full image of God!

Without forgiveness there will be no progress in your relationship. Let things go in the spirit of canceling a debt.

Colossians 3:1-8 building with the wrong tools will destroy your home!

Colossians 3:12-14 using the right tools will allow you to build what God designed your home to be.

You have to decide which tools you are going to build with, either a righteous tool box or an unrighteous tool box.

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Dream home. Home improvement

Dream home. Home improvement

Matthew 7:24-29

The storms are coming no matter how awesome your marriage is. You will have to weather a storm!

Proverbs 14:11; Ezekiel 33:32 We have to put the word into practice!

Galatians 5:22-25 keep in step with the spirit. The spirit does what is from God.

James 1:22-25 what do you see? Being obedient to Gods word will transform any situation and give you freedom!

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Dream home. Communion thought.

Dream home. Communion thought.

Matthew 11:28-30 we are suppose to learn from Jesus the attributes of meekness and humility!

Greeks considered their horses as meek once the trainer new that the horse had become obedient to every command. The horse never lost its power but channeled that power into accomplishing the task of his master!

Meekness and humility are not attributes that the world values. They are tossed aside as a weakness.

Jesus's ultimate example of meekness and humility was on full display in the garden of gethsemane and the days leading to the cross! Jesus full of power with 10 legions of angels at his disposal became meek to glorify God and fulfill God's will.

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Monday, February 10, 2020

The kingdom!

The kingdom!

Luke 12:35-48

Jesus parables were his way of teaching moral truths in a way that we can understand it. What is Jesus trying to teach us? Service in the kingdom! The servant must be ready to serve! Get ready to go to work doing Gods will and eagerly await the return of our master! To serve God we have to have our light ready to go in dark places, eyes wide open looking for an opportunity to serve!

Citizens of the kingdom must be serving. Being ready is not enough. We must act and get to work! Luke 12:42-44. Jesus is returning and he has expectations for us when he comes! Are you at work meeting the physical needs in your community? Are you at work meeting the emotional needs.

Reward or punishment waits! God is passionate about service! He wants his possessions taken care of. No amount of righteous doctrine can save an unserving soul!

Galatians 5:13-14 we were remade to serve!

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