God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, December 27, 2018

All creation waited and celebrated the coming of Ch

All creation waited and celebrated the coming of Christ. All creation waits and celebrates the 2nd coming of Christ!

Matthew 2:1-12; Romans 8:19-21

Jesus is what this world was created for! As Christians we should be waiting and celebrating the 2nd coming of Christ! Are you excited?! Are you more in awe of worldly things than you are of the glory of Jesus?! How quickly we forget sometimes!

2 Peter 3:10-14

Jesus is coming back! On that day, whatever you had planned for that day will be interrupted. How should you live? Knowing this on a daily basis, what would your priorities be? We should be always looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth!

Are you looking forward to Jesus!? It's a daily decision we have to make! When you focus on current problems you feel more stressed and depressed. God wants to liberate us from the struggles of this world and it starts with looking forward to Jesus and the life to come!

Revelations 21:4-5

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Friday, December 21, 2018

Jacob and Esau

Jacob and Esau

Genesis 25:24-34

Jacob and Esau were fraternal twins. Not identical. They shared the same birthday but we're very different. They were raised in the same home with the same values and each had a different sinful nature.

Jacob finally grows up and stops living and deceiving. Esau grows up and stops being the impatient angry man that was controlled by his emotions!

Genesis 33:1-12

Jacob became the father of Israel and Esau was the father of the Edomites. Genesis 36:1; Deuteronomy 23:7; 2 Samuel 8:13; Psalms 137:7

Jacob had a relationship with God. Jacob grew up knowing about God but need to develop a relationship with God to truly Know God! Genesis 28:10-22

Jacobs life was changed when he met God and had a relationship with God and committed his life to God! If your not being changed then you are not being connected with God. There is no relationship with God that does not produce change and good fruit!!

Jacob dreamed with God, wrestled with God and never gave up on God!! Jacobs life ended with him worshiping God! Genesis 47:28-31

How do you want to end your life? Do you have a relationship with God that sustains you?!

Sometimes we get confused with being good to having a relationship God! They are not the same. God wants a close intimate relationship with all of us. It goes far beyond just being a good person or knowing about God intellectually!

Hebrews 10:19-25

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Jesus had a controversial ancestry. His family line

Jesus had a controversial ancestry. His family line was full of amazing people and not so amazing people. People with strong character and people with no morals and many with both. Rahab was an ancestor of Jesus that became a women of great character.

Rahab had a choice!

Joshua 2:1-14

Rahab is forced to make an incredible choice. This day was unexpected and not a day that Rahab had time to prepare for. God showed up through the spies and she had to make a choice. She recognized God coming into her life and who he was and what his presence means. She recognized God through fear initially. If Rahab did not take this chance her life would have been over.

Joshua 2:15-16

Rahab's choice was her people or Gods people. Think how hard it would have been to chose God ahead of her own people. What about you, when you are called to chose and it conflicts with your people, your professional desires, your relationships, your finances?

Rahab chooses quickly! She chose and never looked back! How do you view your old life? Are you looking back or are you standing firm!

Rahab knew what her old life was like! She did not chose God and the. Romanticize her old life. She rejected her sinful life and never looked back!

Rahab is saved!! Rahab had a choice, chose God and was saved!

Joshua 2:19-21

How was Rahab saved? It wasn't her choice, it wasn't her deal making ability, it was not her loyalty...etc! Rahab was saved through obedience! It came down to doing what God has asked of her!

Matthew 21:28-31 obedience is key

Hebrews 11:31

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Jesus's family tree is an interesting one. When you

Jesus's family tree is an interesting one. When you shake that tree you may be surprised what falls out. Jesus's family tree is full of imperfect people that to some may not look like they belong. We've talked about Judah, Jacob, and Rehab! Today we will look at King David and his line to Jesus!

Matthew 12:23; Matthew 21:9

David was a man that people wanted to emulate. It was an honor for David's name to be used as a compliment to Jesus. Jesus the perfect lame of God was honored as a son of David. Before the coming of Jesus, David was a man that had a heart like God.

1 Samuel 13:14-15

What was it about David's heart was like God?

David had a shepherds heart! David was a servant at heart!

1 Samuel 16:5-11

From the worlds perspective David was an ordinary man but to God he was extraordinary! David was willing to serve and was not unwilling to serve in anyway he was needed! How willing to serve are you?

1 Samuel 16:12-13;19

David was anointed but then was willing to go back to shepherding and waiting on God and his timing!

1 Samuel 24:1-8

David had a surrendered heart! David was not self centered in his thinking. He could have said that he was the lords anointed! He respected God and respected Saul regardless of how that would affect him. He was completely surrendered to God and his will!

David did nothing to gain his own position and allowed God to work in the ways he saw fit!

David had a long list of sins that included parenting mistakes, lust, murder, adultery...etc but he had a heart to serve God, a heart for God and a repentant heart!

2 Samuel 12:13-14

It takes brokenness and humility to have a repentant heart!

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Jesus had a controversial ancestry. His family line

Jesus had a controversial ancestry. His family line was full of amazing people and not so amazing people. People with strong character and people with no morals and many with both. Rahab was an ancestor of Jesus that became a women of great character.

Rahab had a choice!

Joshua 2:1-14

Rahab is forced to make an incredible choice. This day was unexpected and not a day that Rahab had time to prepare for. God showed up through the spies and she had to make a choice. She recognized God coming into her life and who he was and what his presence means. She recognized God through fear initially. If Rahab did not take this chance her life would have been over.

Joshua 2:15-16

Rahab's choice was her people or Gods people. Think how hard it would have been to chose God ahead of her own people. What about you, when you are called to chose and it conflicts with your people, your professional desires, your relationships, your finances?

Rahab chooses quickly! She chose and never looked back! How do you view your old life? Are you looking back or are you standing firm!

Rahab knew what her old life was like! She did not chose God and the. Romanticize her old life. She rejected her sinful life and never looked back!

Rahab is saved!! Rahab had a choice, chose God and was saved!

Joshua 2:19-21

How was Rahab saved? It wasn't her choice, it wasn't her deal making ability, it was not her loyalty...etc! Rahab was saved through obedience! It came down to doing what God has asked of her!

Matthew 21:28-31 obedience is key

Hebrews 11:31

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