God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, June 3, 2018

War of the mind!

War of the mind!

Psalms 36:1-6

Our spiritual battle is a war and battle over your mind! There is always a battle going on and we cannot forget that we are at war!

Part of the war is over clarity in our lives. Prayer brings clarity! Lack of clarity starts with distractions. Satan uses many things in our lives to distract us and take our focus off of God!

David had a message from God on his because he spent time with God. He was close to God. He knew God intimately!

Psalms 36:7-10

David had vision in his life by focusing on the power of God and the power God has over his life. God is the answer!

Psalm 36:10-12

When you have spiritual clarity and spiritual vision you will live a righteous life!

Philippians 4:4-7

God wants to give us peace in our minds. We will only achieve peace through God!

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Special Missions Contributions

Special Missions Contributions

2 Corinthians 8:13-14 the goal is equality!

When does money stop being Gods? We would all agree that every good blessing comes from God and that he is the ultimate provider! When does the money that God blesses us with stop becoming his?

2 Kings 6:32-7:1-19

God provided in a situation by all human logic was hopeless!

Gods name is Jehovah Jireh! God provides! Genesis 22:1-24

When your in need you can relate and remember others that are in need. The men with leprosy were in need and when God provided they did forget the other people that were in need.

Do you have enough money? Do you have enough for needs or wants? There is a difference between what we want and what we actually need! There is no end to mans wants! What are eyes desire have no limits!

We have more than enough and others have too little!

By sharing these men saved an entire city. They are never mentioned again in the Bible and their names were never recorded. Giving and sharing did not cure their leprosy or make them rich. Their reward was not in this life time!

Matthew 6:19-21

Of your concern in life is to be rich then giving will not be your priority. Giving money will not make you rich but giving money will not make you poorer either. The Gods goal is equality.

When does money stop being Gods? The men with leprosy new that the money was not theirs and they knew they needed to share. When you believe this, when you know that it is not yours in the first place it is easy to give.

What about us? When we see we have more than enough, when we see that God has provided! What will we give?

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An open door for our message.

An open door for our message.

Colossians 4:2-4; Revelations 3:7-8

Open our eyes -- we need to go!
Open our hearts -- we need to grow!
Open our mouths -- we reap what we sow!

John 4:34-35

Open our eyes!

Do you really feel like the fields are really ripe? Jesus says to open our eyes! What does an open person look like? Of course not! Even people that are open don't even know they are open at times. God uses circumstances, location, people, experiences -- to help us open our hearts for God!

Matthew 28:181-20; revelation 5:9; 7:9

Open our hearts!

2 Corinthians

We need to always grow. Where ever you are in your life you have never been there before. We need to grow individually and as a church! Raising up elders, unifying each other in the mission, growing in one another love!

Galatians 6:7-9

We reap WHAT we sow and we reap LATER than we sow and we reap MORE than we sow!

Luke 6:38 what measure are you using? Matthew 7:7-8 there are open doors!

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