God's Free Word Book Store

Friday, April 28, 2017

One Day To Live, One Eternity to Live!

One Day To Live, One Eternity to Live!

What am I really loving for? Who am I really living for? Am I really living my life for things that matter? Knowing that you were dying would change everything!

Jesus spoke of things that make no sense to the world! Luke 9:24; Matthew 20:26-27; Luke 6:20-22; 26-28;
Even the apostles reacted in ways that make no sense to the world! Acts 5:40-42 ...the resurrection of Jesus changed everything! Only the resurrection can make sense of Jesus teachings and the apostles actions! Mark 9:32; Luke 9:45; Luke 18:34; John 10:6....the resurrection made it all make sense! John 2:22; John 12:16 The resurrection has unlocked everything for us today as well!

Before the resurrection the apostles were cowards and spineless! After the resurrection they were bold and unyielding with no fear in the face of death!

1 Corinthians 15:1-8 the resurrection has been under attack! We need to stand firm on the gospel! The gospel of Christ is nothing without the resurrection! 1 Corinthians 15:12-22

So what power is there in the resurrection? 1 Corinthians 6:14 the resurrection gives us the promise of forgiveness, eternity and a new life! Romans 4:25

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The Kingdom!

The Kingdom!

A man's last words are important. When someone speaks his last words you listen, you take notice of what is said. But what about A man's words after he has come back to life from death? How important are those words?

What did Jesus spent his time doing after the resurrection? Acts 1:3 Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples after his resurrection! What happened in those 40 days? He taught about the Kingdom of heaven! This was one of the first things he preached at the beginning of his ministry as well that the Kingdom was near!

What is the good news? It's the Kingdom. What is the Kingdom? It's the good news! Jesus talked a lot about the Kingdom and the resurrection! Because of salvation, because of grace, because of Jesus....we have the Kingdom to look forward to! In Matthew 13 Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God in the form of several parables.

Matthew 13:24-30

The Kingdom is not for everyone! Jesus talked a lot about judgement and the fact that not everyone will be allowed to enter the Kingdom!

Matthew 13:32

The Kingdom grows! It starts small and it gets big. The Kingdom is like yeast. You let a little bit in and it just takes over your life! How are you growing? Being in the Kingdom causes growth!

Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom cost you. It cost everything you have! This is what the kingdom is like. It will take everything you have. If you hold anything back you won't be able to afford it! Once you get it though you will be rich beyond measure! When someone is desperate they will do anything. How desperate for the Kingdom are you?

Will you spend everything you have for the Kingdom? What are you not willing to give up?

The Kingdom doesn't come easy! It is obtainable for everyone; however, everyone does not take hold of it! Jesus never let the Kingdom come easy. He did not answer all the questions about the Kingdom and left many questions unanswered.

Friday, April 14, 2017

One Month To Live!

One Month To Live!

If you knew you where dying how would that change your life? Jesus was a man just like us in every way and he had to deal with the emotional stress of knowing he was about to die. John 2:19 jesus knew his death was coming! But not only his death but his suffering as well!

Knowing your going to die changes your perspective. You would not live just for your self. Dying to your self is the only way to truly live. There is no fear in death when you chose to die. Jesus understood this! John 15:1-17 ...this is Jesus knowing that he has a week to live. His choice words were meant to leave behind a guide for his disciples. He teaches the how to embrace life, die to self and remain in the vine! Continued connection to Jesus is necessary for life!

Bearing fruit confirms life. The purpose of life is to bear fruit. The opposite of death is life. The branch that does not bear fruit is already dead. John 12:24 the Christian is like a kernel of wheat. We have to die to reproduce! If we don't die to self we bear no fruit! If we don't give up this life we bear no fruit. Without fruit we die! We must die so that we can grow!

Loving one another is equally important but it also requires us to die to self! John 15:13 -- who would I die for? Who am I not willing to die for? What am I unwilling to die for? What am I unwilling to give up?

Matthew 16:25

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Two weeks to live!

Two weeks to live!

The dying know what really matters! Death sobers you and gets you focused. The realty is that most of will never know how much time we have to live. Most of us will face death at the most Inopportune time in our lives! We should live everyday as though we have one month to live! How you live on a month to month basis?

John 14:1 -14

Jesus kept heaven and the other side on the front of his thoughts and mind. Why do are hearts get troubled? We have the wrong focus. Keeping our minds on God is the key! What am I allowing to distract me from the potential that God wants for me? Focus on Jesus if you know Jesus then you will know God!

Get past our troubled hearts and do as Jesus did! We live now in this life based on what we believe about the after life! We all have one life to live, how important should it be for us to live it in the way that God intended for us to live it.

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