God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

7 Days away from a Godly Character

"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins."
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1:5-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Jesus sacrifice demands that we constantly grow and build on our character! Work on adding to your character a little each day.

Starts with having faith. We must have faith in Jesus and faith is a given and has to be your foundation!

Follow these 7 steps to growing in your character. 1 step a day for seven days. Take it one day at a time.

  1. GOODNESS! Simply choosing what is right. Being good natured in all that you do.
  2. KNOWLEDGE! Knowledge about God and who He is. Also knowledge about who you are before God. Exposing your sin and true self.
  3. SELF CONTROL! Fasting and praying. Giving up something for God. Saying no to temptation.
  4. PERSEVERANCE! Standing firm. Not running away from your problems. Facing them. Being comfortable in where God has you for the moment. Not giving up on your marriage/kids. Continuing to fight for what is right.
  5. GODLINESS! (Def. conforming to the laws and wishes of God; devout; pious) deepening your convictions. Less talk and more action in doing what God commands. WWJD.
  6. BROTHERLY KINDNESS! Spiritual Bond. Unity. Strengthening your spiritual family. Deepening your relationships in the church. Carrying each other's burdens.
  7. LOVE! Unconditional. Self sacrifice. Giving to everyone. Concerned for the lost. Concerned spiritually for each other. Outward focused.

Increasing in these qualities will help you know Jesus and strengthen your relationship with God.

What do they all have in common? They are all decisions. You chose to be good, to want to know, to have self control, to persevere, to be Godly, to show brotherly kindness and to Love.

Without developing and growing in these character traits you become nearsighted and blind spiritually and you will forget (fall out of) the grace and mercy that God has shown you!

Are you willing to take the challenge? Today starts with goodness!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Numbers 11:4-15; 18; 25-30

Numbers 11:4-15; 18; 25-30

Moses is obviously in a hard spot as a leader and has developed an unhealthy view of leadership. God sees Moses need and instructs him to raise up new leaders. Two other mean who had not concentrated themselves received Gods spirit and Moses unlike Joshua, welcomed everyone to receive the Lords spirit.

Jeremiah 31:31 This prophesy has been revealed and we all have the spirit as disciples of Christ. Moses wished he was leading Israel and they all had the same spirit he had.

Today every disciple of Christ is called to be a prophet, a preacher, a leader...etc. To lead Gods church today is to simply call my brothers and sisters to act on the decision to make Jesus Lord that they have already made!

How can engage every member of my group working towards one common goal? As a disciple they have already decided to make Jesus Lord. As a leader it should be my goal to help every member for fill that decision that they have made.

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James Son of Joseph Brother Of Jesus

James Son of Joseph Brother Of Jesus

Who was James the brother of Jesus? As Jesus brother James would have known stuff about Jesus that no one else in the world knew. James would have known Jesus the carpenter. James knew his work ethic. James knew Jesus at his most intimate moments.

Matthew 12:48-50 Jesus family new there was something special about him but they thought he was crazy. So much so that they thought it was important to intervene and rescue Jesus from himself. As God as our father that makes us all brothers and sisters in Christ. James learned what it meant to be a physical brother from Jesus and also a spiritual brother from Jesus as well!

The book of James use the term brother/s more than almost any other book in the New Testament. James became the leader of the church in Jerusalem. James would have been able to deny that Jesus was without sin.

Let's look at each of the references to "brother/s" in the book of James.

James 1:2 Brothers persevere. Thank God for the hard times and the chance to persevere.

James 1:16 Don't be deceived. Good gifts come from God and the word of truth is the resurrection.

James 1:19 Where did James get the Godly advice he is giving us in vs 19? Jesus was the perfect example of this, slow to anger, quick to listen to people...etc.

James 2:1;5 Jesus preached this same message in the sermon on the mount. Jesus lived out this in his life and died with out any possessions. Do we give most to those who give back to us or do we give more to people who are not even capable of giving back to us?

James 2:14-24 What good is non saving faith? Because of this passage many people thought the history of Christianity people have argued to remove the book of James from the bible. Why? Faith without action is dead. This teaching goes against what certain denominations want to believe. Faith without deeds is not faith in Jesus. Jesus calls us to repent as we have faith in Him.

James 3:9; 4:11 I wonder if this conviction came to James from the way he initially judged and treated Jesus?

James 5:10-12; 19 We are obligated to help each other and when I help my brother or sister repent from sin it honors and glorifies God.

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