God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit!

Imagine that God came and gave us three books to get to know him. These books tell us all about God. What makes him happy, what makes him sad, what makes him mad and what he requires of us. As you start reading the first two books and it transforms your life and who you are. Now imagine your so excited about the first two but you just leave the third book on a shelf and don't read it. Who would do that?

God wrote one book, the bible, but with three themes. God the father, the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! If God intended to show himself to us as God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, then what am I missing?

Knowing God is impossible without knowing him as the Holy Spirit! Who is the Holy Spirit? How can He change your life?

Where is God? What immediately do you think of? Heaven? We associate God the father as being in heaven. We think of Jesus in the same way. Jesus was taken up into heaven. We may believe God is involved in our lives but we view as though he does so from a distance!

John 14:25-27

God is not just in heaven. The spirit has been left with us. We have Gods spirit with us all the time. He is close to each one of us! We need to visualize the spirit as He works in our lives!

The spirit is always working. We cannot take credit for Gods works. No matter how talented we are or how much we are able to do this or that, God spirit is what works in our lives. We need to trust in God by believing in the Holy Spirit!

We need to listen for the Spirit. What is God prompting in your heat? What is God speaking to you through your conscience and the people around you?

If you had to chose one or the other which would you choose? The Holy Spirit of Jesus? Who would you rather have with you? Who would you rather talk to? Most would say Jesus.

John 16:5-11

Jesus says that we are better off with him leaving and the spirit coming to be with us. Gods spirit was sent to us to be with us forever! How should I view Gods spirit that lives inside of me?

Three years the disciples were with Jesus and lived with him daily and yet they still fell to win and denied him and abandoned Jesus. One encounter with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 and the disciples went to their grave proclaiming Jesus as Lord!

How Important is the holly spirit to me? One is not better than the other. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one but God designed the spirit to be a gift for us.

The whole purpose for Jesus forgiving our sins and presenting us holy to God is so that His spirit can live inside of us. God wants to come live with me! God wants to live with me every single moment and every day! Without the blood of Jesus God would not be able to live in us. God is too holy to be present with sin.

Acts 19:1-7

Paul determined whether or not someone was converted and received salvation based on whether or not they received the Holy Spirit. How important is the Spirit?



Colossians 3:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Jude 1:5; Titus 3:1; 2 Timothy 1:6; 2 Peter1:12; 1 Corinthians 4:17

We need to be reminded to be thankful.

Luke 17:11-15

Grateful people are faithful people. This is why gratitude is so important. How hard is it for me to just follow instructions? We live in a have it now generation. We don't like to wait. Jesus sent them away. He could have healed them instantly but sent them away to see the priest. Why?

Only one returned with gratitude. Grateful people go the extra mile!

Luke 17:16-19

The samaritan -- the guy who hates Jews was the one that came back. He had a truly grateful heart. The samaritan came back and threw himself at Jesus's feet. When was the last time I just threw my self at Jesus's feet? True gratitude and thankfulness comes with action!

1 Corinthians 15:10

What does Gods grace compel you to do? What moves me? These are questions that need to be asked to test whether the grace of Jesus is having an effect in my life! There is so much to grateful for in Christ.

Deuteronomy 4:7-8

Make a list of things you are grateful for. Call and thank the people that have helped you in your life.

Grateful people stand out! Luke 17:18. The grateful person stands out and the ungrateful person stands out too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Jesus reflects Gods glory perfectly! Jesus is the radiance of God. As a church it is our job to portray Christ the way God intended him to be portrayed! Too many are still blind and we do not recognize who Jesus really is.

What image of Jesus am I portraying to the world through my life? My life is on display to the world and I can portray Jesus in a false light and not honor God with my life! The first thing to do is not distort the truth, the word of God!

Paul refused to edit the word of God or distort the truth to attract followers. Too many churches today carter to the wants of their membership rather than giving them what God intended for them to receive. We cannot apologize for what Gods word says but set forth the truth plainly to the people around us.

By watering down Gods word we limit the power the word of God has on someones life. We must refuse to distort the word of God even when the topics may go against the mainstream thought of the day.

We need to rest in the power of God. We are too anxious and too unsettled. We need to be still and know that God is God. He is in control! Only God can save. Only God can make light shine out of darkness and only God can open the eyes of the blind. All we have to do is announce that Jesus is Lord. We need to live our lives in a way that honors God and confirms Jesus is the son of God. God will do all the rest.

We just need to do what God calls us to do and leave the rest up to Him!

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Monday, November 9, 2015



James 1:13-15

Temptation provides us an opportunity for us to do right just as much as it gives us the choice to do wrong! Temptation is not a bad thing. God gives us choice. Every time we overcome and defeat temptation we become a little more like Jesus! Temptation is the point in time when we can either walk in the light or wallow in the darkness. Temptation gives us a chance to show God who we are devoted to! God uses temptation to make us stronger.

Romans 12:2

Our minds are not to conformed but transformed!

We should plan for temptation. We all know it is coming. Why don't we plan for temptation. Why are we surprised when it comes! Temptation catches us off guard!

Temptation is the starting point for all sin. Unchecked temptation will destroy every aspect of your life! There is no such thing as a small temptation. They all start small and will lead to something bigger if unchecked!

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2 Corinthians 4:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Jesus reflects Gods glory perfectly! Jesus is the radiance of God. As a church it is our job to portray Christ the way God intended him to be portrayed! Too many are still blind and we do not recognize who Jesus really is.

What image of Jesus am I portraying to the world through my life? My life is on display to the world and I can portray Jesus in a false light and not honor God with my life! The first thing to do is not distort the truth, the word of God!

Paul refused to edit the word of God or distort the truth to attract followers. Too many churches today carter to the wants of their membership rather than giving them what God intended for them to receive. We cannot apologize for what Gods word says but set forth the truth plainly to the people around us.

By watering down Gods word we limit the power the word of God has on someones life. We must refuse to distort the word of God even when the topics may go against the mainstream thought of the day.

We need to rest in the power of God. We are too anxious and too unsettled. We need to be still and know that God is God. He is in control! Only God can save. Only God can make light shine out of darkness and only God can open the eyes of the blind. All we have to do is announce that Jesus is Lord. We need to live our lives in a way that honors God and confirms Jesus is the son of God. God will do all the rest.

We just need to do what God calls us to do and leave the rest up to Him!

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Thursday, November 5, 2015



James 1:13-15

Temptation provides us an opportunity for us to do right just as much as it gives us the choice to do wrong! Temptation is not a bad thing. God gives us choice. Every time we overcome and defeat temptation we become a little more like Jesus! Temptation is the point in time when we can either walk in the light or wallow in the darkness. Temptation gives us a chance to show God who we are devoted to! God uses temptation to make us stronger.

Romans 12:2

Our minds are not to conformed but transformed!

We should plan for temptation. We all know it is coming. Why don't we plan for temptation. Why are we surprised when it comes! Temptation catches us off guard!

Temptation is the starting point for all sin. Unchecked temptation will destroy every aspect of your life! There is no such thing as a small temptation. They all start small and will lead to something bigger if unchecked!

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