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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lessons from the early church of Christ!

Lessons from the early church of Christ!

Acts 4:8-13

Peter and the apostles were unschooled ordinary men! Because the walked with Jesus they new scripture. I need to spend time in Gods word! Being close to Jesus through Gods word! People should view us the same way, in awe that we are unschooled ordinary men who fell in love with Gods word just by having a relationship Jesus!

The last time Peter was confronted by the religious authorities was two months earlier in the court yard where he denied Jesus three times. Peter grew spiritually through Gods word and his love for Jesus to become me a man who stood up to the religious authorities and held his conviction and in Gods word!

It doesn't take a long time to change and grow! I have to be committed to studying Gods word! What is my personal plan of growth in Gods word? Daily study is important!

Acts 4:23-31

Praying was essential for the early church. Their power came from prayer. I'm not praying enough! There is always a good time to pray and always good to pray about everything!

The early church was completely United! One of the biggest obstacles to Godly convictions is our own opinions! We need to stop trust in other things and rely solely on Gods word!!