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Friday, July 30, 2010

Trusting Gods Plan

Psalms 138:8

For the most part we all know what gods plan for David was because we are able to follow his life though the bible and see. However Did David really know Gods full plan for him? I would have to say no. Never the less he had faith that God had a plan and that he would fulfill it no matter what.

God also has a plan for us. Question is, do we have the same faith David had? Do we pray to God asking him not to abandon the works of his hands? What are the works of Gods hands in our lives and are we holding on to them? Are we thankful for them? For me being given a faith in God is a work of God's hand. And increasing our faith through hardships, challenges and victories are works of God's hands too.

Psalms 57:2

Psalms 57:3

David wrought this wile he was hiding in a cave from Saul who wanted to kill him. David knew that even facing death God's purpose would be fulfilled. He was confident in god and even though he was being sought after by a mad man he was not complaining. Read the whole chapter.

Psalms 57:1-11

Pall is another good example of a man who held on to the reality that Gods plan would be fulfilled no mater what and even though he spent a big part of his life in chains he could always see Gods hand in it and praise him for it.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus

Philippians 1:7

We know through reading the bible that both of these men faced much persecution and sometimes even possible death. We also in reading the bible can see that this was part of Gods plan. This is in the bible to increase our faith that no mater what we go through Gods plan will be fulfilled.

Even Jesus facing death on the cross not wanting to go through the inevitable did not complain! He put his faith in God and went to him in prayer.

Matthew 26:42

One more question to think about. Was the cup he was asking God to take away, The death he was facing or the death with out forgiveness we were facing?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Connecting to God's Church

What does it mean to be connected as a church? The goal of every church should be to help it's members become the likeness of Jesus Christ.

As a church the members have a choice to either be connected or dis-connected. The challenge of every disciple of Christ is be connected to Gods spiritual body. God calls us to be connected in relationships with one another as a family of God.

Acts 2:42

In the early church you were expected to be devoted to several things. It was not negotiable! You had to be devoted to the teachings of the gospel. Devoted to the fellowship! Devoted to the the breaking of bread ( Communion ). Devoted to prayer! This was not an option. To be Part of the first century church you made a decision to be devoted to these things! Obviously people are not perfect and the members of the early church may have struggled with for filling these expectations, however, there was still an expectation that the members be devoted to these things.

This is the example of Gods church that he has set for us. Many churches practice devotion to teaching, prayer....however, many neglect Communion, fellowship and developing deep spiritual relationships.

Using Jesus as an example. Jesus had several circles of close relationships. In his inner circle were James, John and Peter. Next were the 12 disciples and then in his outer circle were his followers. He built relationships and ministered to each of them in different ways!

We have to devote our selves to fellowship and building strong spiritual relationships. God has designed it this way. We are to carry each others burdens. We are designed to need each other!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Galatians 6:2
Hebrews 3:13

The way to not allow your heart to be harden by sins deceit is to stay connected to your brothers and sisters in Gods church by encouraging one another!

James 5:16

Romans 5:5

Some may think that having these types of relationships and being connected to the fellowship of Gods church in this way is not possible. You may think that this is not your personality or your nature. This is only possible with God and having his spirit inside of us! The only way to get connected into a deep spiritual relationship is through God and with the holy spirit.